Two lovely eyes By Peyo JavorovTranslated by Lubomira Kourteva Two lovely eyes. The spirit of a child in two lovely eyes; — music — sun rays They don’t expect anything and they don’t promise… My soul is pleading, child, my soul pleading! Passions and...
“and when i breathe you in, i know you know” ~ The God-like Things by Lubomira Kourteva Like all else in life and in ourselves, within and without, love too has two aspects of itself: the masculine and the feminine. The masculine aspect of love is the...
If you are made more generous, more open, more kind, it is sacred – it is good love – it is your right way forward. When I think of what does living a purposeful and fulfilled life mean – I think of living life as a prayer. Prayer brings us into...
“To make your lips beautiful, speak only good words. To make your eyes beautiful, look for the good in another person. To make your body slim, share food with the hungry. For the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, neither in her figure nor her...
Are there sparkles around you? It might be your spirit baby. As an intuitive, astrologer and spiritual guide, I feel so truly blessed and in deep reverence to be able to be of help to beautiful people from around the world, be of guidance and soothing to them on their...