Song of Venus, Song of Your Soul’s Love

Song of Venus, Song of Your Soul’s Love

“Do you hear the song of Venus, song of my heart’s longing, song of my soul? It is a beckoning, it is a reaching of hands taking me in wholebodily and wholeheartedly, a voice older than us older than time, a voice from a time before time beyond time. It is...
What the North Node and South Node Truly Are

What the North Node and South Node Truly Are

To understand the North Node or Rahu, in either our natal chart, in synastry or in transit, we need to first understand its nature. And to understand its nature, we must first understand its opposite, the South Node or Ketu, as they are both part of the same thread;...
The Waiting Phase

The Waiting Phase

There are clocks beyond the hands of our human made clocks. There, time has its own timing; unclockable, unstrikable by us. Within this inner understanding and acceptance, we fall into a patience of rhythm, within it trust and within us the inner knowing, a wisdom. No...
Upaya, Skillful Means

Upaya, Skillful Means

Here I am, a photo by me of my views while hiking the Alps in Switzerland. In Buddhism, the oldest list of paramitas included the six: generosity, discipline, patience, heroic perseverance, meditation, and wisdom. Later on in Mahayana Buddhism, four more paramitas...
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