Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House

Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House

“dressed in the perfume of the moon’s clairvoyance, i unveil you” ~ Moonhold by Lubomira Kourteva Having your atmakaraka Moon in your natal 3rd house is a really interesting placement, with the potential of carrying and embodying a beautiful and...
The Path of Bhakti, Devotion and Love

The Path of Bhakti, Devotion and Love

~ Devotion is the veil through which awareness shows its beautiful face. ~ Devotion can sometimes be regarded as some grand thing, high-minded and even abstract, reserved for those of monastic living and religious practices. But it is often found in an ordinary day in...
The Mystic’s Path: Sanyasa, Asceticism and Renunciation

The Mystic’s Path: Sanyasa, Asceticism and Renunciation

The mystic’s path is a path marked by authenticity and aligned to virtue for the higher spiritual purpose of connection to God and for soul growth. Often times, a mystic comes into knowledge that is well ahead of its time, and as such, a mystic accepts the...
Wisdom Set in Snow

Wisdom Set in Snow

Winter is a very important time and concept in spirituality, and in the path of life, which is why it’s often used in tales also. Our knowledge of winter is kind of a fragment of childhood; internal, innate and intuitive. We learn about it in magical ways from...
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