~ come into the moongarden beloved,
my roses would love to see you ~
With our upcoming bright, high and beautiful full Moon in Cancer, also known as the Wolf Moon, let’s today dive into the mysticism of this zodiac. Last time I shared with you how the Moon and Jupiter are connected to intuition, mysticism, spiritual wisdom, creative talents such as poetry, music, dance and writing, fulfillment and spiritual development. The Moon, and the sign of Cancer, which is where Jupiter loves to reside, show us the importance of our heart for spiritual development – because the soul resides in the heart.
The zodiac of Cancer is considered one of the purest signs and one of our highest teacher. The zodiac of Cancer, which rules the deepest part of ourselves and our heart, is known as the guru in some texts, or intelligence, because it is heart-centered. This shows us that true higher intelligence comes from the heart; because to know the minds of others, you must know the heart.
Ruled by the Moon, the zodiac of Cancer is a very powerful sign. People may sometimes mistake the moon for weakness, as it is changing and has cycles and waves, but it is the ocean; it is power, it is strength, and it is considered divine, which is why some of the most powerful and spiritual people and deities are and were associated this zodiac; and of course, lord Rama too is believed to be born in Punarvasu.
Have you seen the ocean? It is not weak by any means; its waves may hold you, its waters may nourish you, but it may also take everything in its path, claim it as its own, as all belongs to it. There is not much else more powerful than it. The sign of Cancer is cardinal water – and cardinal means strength and power ahead, it paves its own way; water does, always, find a way, and it can also soften even the roughest edges of stones and rocks.
And yet, it is gentle, fluid, adaptible – it is allowing and receptive as it is feminine energy. As it allows, it shows its inner strength and wisdom and trust; for it trusts in something greater than all we can ever perceive. In this tenderness and softeness of heart, in its openness of heart, is where true power is found. It is trusting, as it trusts that all will unfold in its natural flow, so it opens in its trust, and in this opening it connects to the higher realms.
Spiritual wisdom connects to this part of the sky, in the zodiac of Cancer, because it traditionally rules the 4th house. The 4th house sits at the root of our chart, it is our foundation; it is our core, our most sacred and inner self, it is that which will remain immovable and hold us through it all.
The 4th house shows the part of night after midnight when night is the deepest; and this shows the importance of exploring our inner world for spiritual growth. The path begins in our heart always; the mystic’s path and spiritual growth are an inner pathway.
The heart is where the soul resides which is why Jupiter loves residing here, and why Brahma is inevitably connected to both Moon and Jupiter. Illumination comes only from within the cave of the heart, which then is able to illuminate the soul, and paths of others also through its wisdom.
When we enter the constellation of Cancer, we enter a dimmer more private part of the sky; it’s like we enter a lover’s emotional private cocoon. It’s hard to see with our naked eye, but we can tell where it is by knowing it is between the mouth of the lion and the bright Pollux, immortal twin, from the Gemini constellation.
And there, within that dimmer and more private space is the cave of our heart. In our 4th house we see what love means to us, and what we need to feed ourselves based on how we were fed; we see what nourishment means and what receiving is. The 4th house rules the first chamber of our heart – how blood is received, and what we need to nourish and be loved. Within that cave of our heart, is where we find what matters to us most deeply and sacredly.
In the cave of our heart we protect and hold and love what matters to us most deeply. It’s not for everyone to know, it is for us to love, hold and nurture; to nourish it, to tend to it, to devote to it, and always hold despite time and space. It is what moves us and for which we choose to rise in integrity and maturity. In this cave of our heart is where we light our inner lantern of wisdom with the flame of our awakened heart; a flame clear blue eyed and ever burning, steady, trusting, which is what will show us the path forward and keep us rooted in our spiritual core.
In the heart of the constellation itself in the sky is what is known as the Beehive cluster – a cluster of over 1,000 stars, which sparkle like fireflies. In the old days, this constellation was known as the manger, related to the birth of the Christ child – as on each side of the beehive there are also two almost identical stars called the Northern donkey and the Southern donkey; all of which represents the mystical nativity scene.
The symbolism is deep here: it shows that within our heart is the Christ consciousness of unconditional love; and that once we know how to feed our heart and awaken our heart into wisdom and love, this love feeds the hearts of others.
With an awakened heart we make honey. And we feed the mouth of the lion, and we feed the child in the manger, and we feed the immortal twin; and we feed the children, and animals and all people – we feed their inner temples of God and love, which is that of the divine child residing all of us. We feed the hearts of everyone by the way we love, speak, move, gift, open our heart and open our palms. Because love births love; love makes love, love incarnates as love, and nothing else other than love can make love.
The esoteric ruler of Cancer is Neptune, and in this expression of energy it refers to unconditional love and the Christ consciousness; and the exoteric ruler, as we all know, is the Moon, which is the womb. In astrology the Moon speaks to our lineage of soul, it is the seed of which we are born. And so, marrying the exoteric with the esoteric, Christ consciousness is born, resides and may move through the awakening of our heart. The heart is the initiatory portal to higher consciousness. The influence of both Neptune as esoteric and the Moon as exoteric shows art, poetry, music and inspired creativity moving through these to touch the hearts of people and move them towards greater love and beauty.
We speak the language of the moon; especially as women, we are so connected to this inner sanctuary and waxing and waning, and wavings and cycles and seasons and temperatures; we are both simultaneously longing and separating, desiring and pulling away, bonding and repulsing, laughing and crying, holding and surrendering. We are nature itself, the soil, the bottom of wells, the voices from ancient times shifting our eyes towards unknown yet familiar horizons.
We wax and wane speaking the moon’s language. We begin as a little seed then born, we wax and wane and then again, in all body, emotions, experiences and elements; and yet the waning is always held by the waxing even when we can’t see it yet. There are subtle things, non-linear things, which only the heart can understand. There are secrets lovers speak in silence that should remain in their silence.
We flow like water and waves, and change like the cycles of the land in our unique timings, and fluctuate like the seasons. And yet it is precisely this shifting that allows us to explore the different and beautiful facets of our personal consciousness. It is because of these shifts that we allow ourselves to stand in another light and look at ourselves from another angle, and appreciate how far we’ve come and what we’ve made.
And through these explorations of seasons, cycles and tides of the self, we learn what remains constant and continuous – we notice the eternal and the immovable – the undercurrent, the part of ourselves that is always the same. This part doesn’t waver even in the wildest storms and hurricanes. And when we meet this part, it is our true essence, and we can learn to go back to that place as often as possible; we align to our immovable, which though may seem like a tender and very subtle thing, almost invisible perhaps, it is actually our greatest power.
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The beautiful cover art is by Vicente Romero Redondo, whose work I love and find so beautiful and inspiring. His official website is here. All rights reserved by the artist.