Juno: Love, Marriage and the Source of the Soul’s Procreation

Juno: Love, Marriage and the Source of the Soul’s Procreation

~ Love is to see and be seen, to know and be known, not of flesh, but through the flesh. ~ Juno is one of the main asteroids we look at in astrology, and as it is currently transiting a very important part of our sky, let’s dive deeper into its mystical secrets...
On the Misconception of Detachment

On the Misconception of Detachment

There are a lot of misconceptions and misinterpretations of spiritual concepts, and today we’ll talk about a buzz word in many spiritual communities: detachment. People sometimes say “Oh, I am detached, nothing affects me. Everything is maya, get over it,...
The Love Story of Each Nakshatra

The Love Story of Each Nakshatra

I recently opened my Flower Shop, which you may visit here on my website, where I have made available for purchase some of my photography as digital downloads in high resolution. The beautiful roses featured here on the cover are our beautiful wild roses from our...
Why you met

Why you met

As a spiritual astrologer, when I dive into the relationship lands of my clients, analyzing synastry and the composite charts, one of the greatest insights that they can deepen into is the purpose of why they met; this allows each individual insight into their unique...
The Evolution of your Natal Jupiter, Past Life Deeds and Gifts

The Evolution of your Natal Jupiter, Past Life Deeds and Gifts

One of the most important yet less known and discussed aspects of our natal Jupiter is that he is jeeva, or breath of life – he is the life force that connects soul to body. In our natal chart Jupiter often gives deep insights on our life path and soul purpose...
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