Bluebeard: The Key to Knowing

Bluebeard: The Key to Knowing

Last time in Beauty and Her Beast, we discussed how a man unbecame a beast because of love. And/But there are other kinds of beasts – the charming humans who are monsters within. No amount of love can change that.  Perhaps there’s no better tale that portrays this...
What Cinderella Knows

What Cinderella Knows

Magic only comes from within. In poetic style similar to ancient mysticism, fairy tales are just symbolic allegories built on the theme of the soul’s path towards self-discovery and unity. The well known tales of The Sleeping Beauty (which I discussed in my...
What Sleeping Beauty Knows

What Sleeping Beauty Knows

This is part of my folklore + myth series “The Story Threads” where we look at various tales, lore and myth, remembering the wisdoms they hold, and how they can whisper us into more love, more light, more insight in our every day lives. Previously, we’ve discussed The...
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