Fertility & Spirit Baby Reading

US $330.00

Fertility & Spirit Baby Reading

In these beautiful sessions, we marry astrology with my intuitive and spiritual guidance to help you along your path forward. With loving, compassionate and gentle guidance, I will provide you with insights on the possibilities ahead and in your natal chart for conceiving and birthing your beloved child, the higher purpose of your relationships and how it all aligns on your soul’s path – clarity on what’s been going on so far, and the beauty that is waiting ahead for you, dreaming you towards itself.

In your reading, I will provide you with your lunar conception dates for potential conception and various manifestation techniques of calling in your baby. I may also complement your reading with a look at your human design bodygraph for any further guidance on energy opening and wellness practices, and how to be in greater alignment to your unique energy and natural body rhythm.

If you have a partner, please provide his birth details if known, as conception is a creation of both of your energies blending together; and so we’d take a look at your relationship as well, and offer you tips for deepening your connection or navigating through any current challenges.

These readings are intended to offer you soothing and compassion for whatever you’ve been going through, as well as spiritual insight and guidance on moving ahead on your unique pathway. The paths of life are full of twists and turns, and we’ll never know it all as human beings, but I am here for you, to listen, and to be of helping hand.

Please know that these readings are very in-depth, and I devote a lot of my energy and time, working several hours on one client. The insight you receive will last you for a long time forward.

Spiritual guidance is much beneficial and can help people from all walks of life, and sometimes, we may seek its help when the going gets a little tough. For this reading I offer a split payment plan option. Please get in touch with me through the contact form to arrange.

*Please know that I am not a medical professional, and I do not offer any medical nor mental health advice or services. Spiritual and astrology sessions are never a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your doctor, nutritionist and fertility specialist for health concerns; my sessions are only spiritually based and not to be taken as medical advice. 

So how do these sessions work?

These session are highly personalized for each client and what may be appropriate for their soul path – there is no one size fits all. 

To book, you make a payment through Paypal – and then send me a message via the contact form on my website to confirm that you paid for the fertility and spirit babies reading.

Once you’ve sent me your email – I will always reply to you within 48 hours to confirm and we’ll take it from there. If you don’t hear back, please know that I haven’t received your email, and contact me again. Also – please check your spam or junk folders because sometimes replies end up there. 

All my final sessions are delivered in written PDF form. Our interactions throughout are via email.  

In your email after payment, please send me your birth date and time – day, month, year, city/state/country of birth, and exact time of birth. Please share with me, woman to woman, what has been happening in your life, a bit of a back story; if you have a partner, what is your relationship like; and anything else you feel I should know or that you’d need clarity and insight for. This helps me see into which areas I’d need to look more into, so that it is of greater benefit for you. 

All readings and reports are hand-typed by me and uniquely custom made to every individual; and are sent in PDF to your email.

Please allow up to two weeks for your reading to be delivered to you. Thank you for your patience.

By booking this session, you agree to the Terms of Service.

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