Costly Signaling Theory + Relationship Accountability

Costly Signaling Theory + Relationship Accountability

In a spiritual book that I once read many years ago, was the story about the girl in the tower and the man who loved her: “”Tell me what you want and I’ll do it,” he said to the girl in the tower. He had everything and he gave her everything...
Signs of Emotional Immaturity

Signs of Emotional Immaturity

One of the most important things needed to have a healthy relationship that is fulfilling, intimate and long-lasting, is the ability to deal with the hard times, and the struggles and conflicts. And this requires emotional maturity and self-awareness. Avoiding,...
Why Couples Fight, and How to Resolve Relationships Into Peace

Why Couples Fight, and How to Resolve Relationships Into Peace

In order to have a healthy relationship that is fulfilling, intimate and long-lasting, we need to be able to deal with the hard times and struggles/conflict. This requires emotional intelligence, which is based on self-awareness and empathy. Avoiding, denying, saying...
The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

“The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you” The Dandelion Girl by Robert F. Young Love is a sense of being; it is everything. It weaves and spreads and weaves beneath the ground, pulling the souls of our feet, until one...
Love Letter: When The Worlds Kiss

Love Letter: When The Worlds Kiss

Dear Miracle, Yes, you! The Christmas season is here and regardless of religion or spiritual belief, this is a sacred time when we celebrate the biggest miracle of all; the birth of a child, the birth of love. And we are all miracles. It is through our childlike eyes...
The Necessity of Limits, and Being Grateful for Them

The Necessity of Limits, and Being Grateful for Them

“[Our] human and earthly limits, properly understood, are not confinements but rather inducements to formal elaboration and elegance, to fullness of relationship and meaning. Perhaps our most serious cultural loss in recent centuries is the knowledge that some...
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