Dwadasamsha, the Chart of Past Lives and Ancestral Lineage

Dwadasamsha, the Chart of Past Lives and Ancestral Lineage

In the way of water the poem of our soul encompasses within itself various notes, melodies and lyrics, different seasons, temperatures and landscapes, pathways walked and experiences, memories ingrained and songs sung, dreamed and prayed. All and everyone connects and...
The Beloved, and the Four Principles that Sustain Relationships

The Beloved, and the Four Principles that Sustain Relationships

A relationship is like an ocean – when one partner goes through the big waves, the other is there calmer holding their hand, and when the other is then taken by the waves, the first is now there to hold them calmly. But no matter the waves, no matter the winters...
The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

When two worlds meet, they touch, they kiss, and we find that love is not only felt in the hearts, it is known by the hands also. Soul kisses soul on the lips, and of their love a third soul is born: the soul of the relationship. There is you, there is me, and then...
Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House

Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House

“dressed in the perfume of the moon’s clairvoyance, i unveil you” ~ Moonhold by Lubomira Kourteva Having your atmakaraka Moon in your natal 3rd house is a really interesting placement, with the potential of carrying and embodying a beautiful and...
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