a watched thing

a night of love or a love of night, a man of love or a love of man a waning moonis wearingomensi swim with a peachtaste in my mouthcan’t get better than this,tells me the sea but i knowlovemaking in the deep cool lakespast the forest cathedralsa leafy paththat...

steel blue cool

you said i have husky eyes and maybe almost i married you a train runs on steel blue eyes mirror my past life and maybe i use this to harness myself through the late nights don’t be afraid. the end was so far ahead it is already behind us just call it horizon,...

changing woman weaving house

the woods are waiting for me tonight, dear stone fruit: so i run fast over the wild land of returning paths destiny chasing my heels, i enter changing woman weaving house where the otherworld is everywhere weaving the integrity of emeralds, sacred lovers tenderness in...

of hands and marriage

his hands are an old marriage wrinkles of care and i sink into folds of touch is touch, years in the making holding on holding strong but even strength is fragile i hold steadfast under strain but i too need to be held and this is how we loved years of lines...
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