How to Feel Your Feelings

How to Feel Your Feelings

Today I wanted to share with you all an exercise on how to feel your feelings that I also share with both my students and clients during our lessons and sessions together. Knowing the difference between feelings and emotions, how to feel our feelings, how to balance...
Karmic Rope Relationships

Karmic Rope Relationships

Karmic relationships are extremely difficult to deal with, and unfortunately a lot of people may find themselves in these hard situations feeling hopeless how to move forward or release the karma. In this article I’ll guide you through a Vedic astrology...
Water Wellness Tips

Water Wellness Tips

I’m a water thing, made of some magic things, love things, and some tender and sweet mystical things. Water is one of the most important things we can do for our health and wellness, and its healing benefits have been known for centuries. Water is where all life...
Love, Lore and Magic with Bulgaria’s Eniovden

Love, Lore and Magic with Bulgaria’s Eniovden

Eniovden is one of the most important days in Bulgaria, which is a land and country of old mystical traditions and folk healing modalities. Bulgaria was established in the 7th century in Europe and has a rich and diverse history, and as it is my native land, and I am...
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