I had the pleasure of spending some beautiful time in the South of France last summer, and truly, it is such a beautiful place there. There is a gentleness and lightness to the energy in this part of the France, with a sense of freedom, romance and undeniable aura of...
Today we’ll explore the mysticism and spiritual teachings about oneness and unity from the Gospel of Thomas, also known as the Secret or Hidden Teachings of the Living Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas is a non-canonical sayings gospel, featuring 114 sayings of Jesus,...
~ come into the moongarden beloved,my roses would love to see you ~ With our upcoming bright, high and beautiful full Moon in Cancer, also known as the Wolf Moon, let’s today dive into the mysticism of this zodiac. Last time I shared with you how the Moon and...
Today let’s dive into the spiritual wisdom of nakshatras, and I’ll guide you through one of my favourite techniques on the trimurti activity for each nakshatra, which comes from Vedic astrology. Each of the nakshatras are connected to either one of the...
In this gentle allegory of peace by Louis Jean François Lagrenée, created around 1770, Mars, the Roman god of War, gently pulls back the rich green bed curtains that frame the scene. As the drapery parts, the morning light spills in to reveal the form of the sleeping...