Sacred Marriage and Your Inner Beloved

Sacred Marriage and Your Inner Beloved

I am my beloved and my beloved’s mine ~ Song of Songs 6:3 As a spiritual astrologer I love blending various techniques and modalities for a deeper understanding of one self. If you’ve had a reading with me, you know that we go over the beauty of your path...
Know the Story of the Skies Under Which You Were Born

Know the Story of the Skies Under Which You Were Born

As a spiritual astrologer, and a lover of astronomy, one of the first things that I like to look at for my clients during an Astrology Soul Purpose Reading, is the visual of the sky under which they were born. For those of you interested, who want to dive all into...
Celestial Awareness, and What the Stars Long to Tell

Celestial Awareness, and What the Stars Long to Tell

Today we’ll dive deeper into the meaning of the constellations – because for those of you interested in astrology, it is not just to be studied from what is found in books, you need to look up to the sky and the stars, have the celestial awareness of how...
The Internal Life of a Relationship

The Internal Life of a Relationship

When two souls touch, and fall in love, lips kiss, and a third soul is born: the soul of the relationship. Upon its soil, the unique physical, emotional and spiritual wildlands unfold and are walked upon. Upon these lands, as in any other lands, there will be cycles,...
How to Walk the Beauty Way

How to Walk the Beauty Way

“To make your lips beautiful, speak only good words. To make your eyes beautiful, look for the good in another person. To make your body slim, share food with the hungry. For the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, neither in her figure nor her...
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