Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
The Higher Expression of Venus
Venus is like our body in a dream state – how it gently moves itself through the night to put itself into greater balance. She is that which puts into balance all that isn’t yet, gently reminding us that balance is not static, it is dynamic and ever moving to adjust all into harmony …
The Dharma of Each Nakshatra
The four aims of life are dharma, artha, kama and moksha; and it is only when one fully aligns to their dharma that the rest are possible to be fulfilled …
Dwadasamsha, the Chart of Past Lives and Ancestral Lineage
Today I’ll guide you through the divisional chart of past lives, family and lineage, and how to understand the essence of it, as well as guidance on how to come into deeper peace and compassion for your present moment …
Understanding your Part of Fortune and Part of Spirit through Hellenistic Astrology
Today we’ll dive into the ancient traditional Hellenistic astrology as I guide you through the meanings and interpretations of the Part of Fortune and Part of Spirit …
Understanding your Natural Flow and Purpose through the Elements in your Natal Chart
Movable water, mutable fire, fixed air, what do the various manifestations of the elements tell you about the natural flow of your energy and the unfolding of your purpose …
Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House
The ancient moon’s temples, intuition, creativity, courage of soul and the 16 sacred art forms, let’s dive into the spiritual worlds of what it means to have your soul planet Moon in the natal 3rd house …
Composite Venus Trine Neptune
Let’s dive into the relationship lands and explore this sweet aspect in the composite chart bestowing romance, creativity, compassion, appreciation, and emotional flow in a couple’s life …
The Art of Synastry
What is synastry, what is the difference between synastry charts and composite charts, and how to understand the land of your relationship …
The Esoteric Secrets of the Planetary Energies as Incarnations of Vishnu
From the Sun came the incarnation of Rāma, from the Moon that of Kṛṣṇa, from Mars that of Nṛsiṃha, from Mercury that of Buddha, from Jupiter that of Vāmana, from Venus that of Paraśurāma, from Saturn that of Kūrma, from Rahu that of Varāha and from Ketu that of Matsya occurred …
The Esoteric Secrets of Unlocking the Higher Expression of the North Node and South Node
Let’s dive deeper into the esoteric secrets of how to unlock the power and higher manifestation of your North Node and South Node, also known as Rahu and Ketu respectively …
The Path of your Consciousness through the Nakshatra of your North Node and South Node
Let’s open the doorways of the lunar mansions for deeper insight on the path of your consciousness …
Your Family Starry Sky Stories
What are the threads that connect you as a family, how your soul’s paths aligned, your unique talents as well as gifts you share and gift one another, and the beautiful ways in which you walk hand in hand in holding, support and love …