Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Spiritual Astrology + Human Design
Into the Worlds of your Natal Venus: Balance, Harmony and Love
What does the element of your natal Venus show about the nature and soils of your love lands, relationships and spiritual wealth, and how to nourish them into the worlds you may desire to live into …
Esoteric Insights on your Past, Present and Futures Lives through Spiritual Astrology
The past meets the future in the present. Bound by a single invisible thread the past and future meet in our present moment, which is why our present moment is precisely the point of creation. Let’s dive into the esoteric insights of how the natal Moon, 2nd and 9th house show living three lives in one, affecting our future, past and present opportunities for creation …
Rare Celestial Event: Venus Visible as both Morning Star and Evening Star on the Same Day
In a rare celestial event, Venus is visible as both morning and evening star at the same day; let’s dive into the astronomy, astrology and spiritual symbolism …
Juno: Love, Marriage and the Source of the Soul’s Procreation
The natal position of asteroid Juno gives us insight on our marriage, commitment, wealth and fertility, soulmate we seek, and what we need to feel fulfilled in relationships; but it is much more than that, as Juno is the source of our soul’s procreation, so today let’s dive deeper into its mystical secrets and wisdom …
Understanding the Difference between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac
Let’s dive into understanding the difference between the tropical and sidereal zodiac calculations when delineating charts, why I use the tropical as a professional astrologer, and the importance of the 3rd and 9th axis for spiritual knowledge and wisdom …
The Love Story of Each Nakshatra
Let’s dive into the beautiful feminine energies of the nakshatras and what love stories of wisdom and mystical secrets they hold in their lunar mansions …
Why you met
Understanding the purpose of your relationship, and why you met, often allows deep insight into each person’s path and soul evolution, as well as allows the partners to shape the destiny and wildlands of their relationship …
Developing your North Node of Destiny, the Art of Apprenticeship
The path from our South Node to our North Node is also known as the path of consciousness and our soul’s evolution; and in order to move towards the wild unknown lands of our evolution, we need a certain set of skills, effort, courage, integrity, patience, ethics, and devoting to the art of the apprenticeship …
The Evolution of your Natal Jupiter, Past Life Deeds and Gifts
One of the most important yet less discussed aspects of Jupiter is that he is the life force connecting soul and body, and through his evolution in our chart, particular the house preceding his natal placement, we gain insights on our past life deeds, gifts and dharma, as well as our current passion and motivations …
Understanding the Composite, the Chart of your Relationship
Let’s dive into the composite chart, how to understand your relationship lands and what you are creating in your togetherness …
The Esoteric Secrets of the Navamsa Chart
Let’s dive into the mysticism and esoteric secrets of the Navamsa chart, also known to show your dharma, marriage, hidden gifts and spiritual development and growth potential …
Understanding Natal Moon-Venus Aspects, and What They Mean for your Relationships
It all starts from within; understanding the inner wildlands of our natal Moon Venus aspects will help you understand how you may experience your relationships in life, and what you may do to deepen your fulfillment of love and connections with other people …