Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
The Right Relationship
The Art of Sharing: Deep Listening and Loving, Mindful Speech
“You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen” …
On Generosity, Gratitude, and Entitlement’s Cost
The path begins in the heart, always …
Your Soul Song, Song of Your Heart
The heart is the seed of the soul …
The Many Ways We Love
Love has various shapes and forms, different speeds and movements …
The Grace and Will of Love
Love graces us in its right timing, but all thereafter is the will of our lips, hands, efforts and gestures along the paths of life, and the soil we are creating of our togetherness …
Understanding the North Node and South Node Connections in Synastry
In our walk today along the relationship lands, I’ll guide you how to understand the North Node and South Node connections in synastry and the paths they may take you on …
Everything you wish to receive, you must give to others first
… Because there is no greater power than the purity of one’s heart and the ability to love …
Darakaraka, the Spouse your Soul Seeks
The most important aspect in your chart that shows the partner your soul seeks, the one who will complement you on a dharmic path towards your growth and evolution, and you’ll find fulfillment with is what’s known as your darakaraka …
The Gift of the Magi: Love and Selflessness
Through selflessness and sacrifice, love transcends the physical; in such deep love, divisions dissolve, and two become one; this is the pure and faithful love, and we see how true miracles begin with human moments, human hands, human hearts …
The Timing of Love, and Spiritual Connections
Let’s walk along the secrets of the relationship lands, seek wisdom from the seasons of love, when relationships come together, and what spiritual connections feel like …
Yoni Kuta, the Instinctive and Physical Attraction in Synastry
Today we’ll dive into the wildlands of love relationship compatibility through the lens of Vedic astrology, using the yoni kuta techniques which shows the primal instinctive natures of people and the strength of their connection …
The Flow of Masculine and Feminine Energy in Relationships and Synastry
Today we’ll talk about the flow of masculine and feminine energy within relationships; and I’ll then guide you through one of the most important aspects in synastry showing the right flow of energy and the level of respect two people may have for each other over time …