Art of Love
: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.
Spirituality, Esotericism + Mysticism
Finding the Nameless Horse
In our storytime tonight, a tale of Dao …
The Art of Weaving, and the Unfolding of Your Life’s Purpose
Our talents are gifts meant to be shared, to be danced for others, so that we inspire them to dance in their own unique and beautiful ways also …
Grace, the Highest Expression of the Heart
Let’s dive in a freestyle discussion of grace, and how grace trumps all, trumping karma too …
The Waiting Phase
There are clocks beyond the hands of our human made clocks. There, time has its own timing; unclockable, unstrikable by us. Within this inner understanding and acceptance, we fall into a patience of rhythm, within it trust and within us the inner knowing, a wisdom …
Focal Length, and The Unique Creative Self
Talents belong to the realm of grace; and are gifts given to us to be shared, expressed and used for others. And when we share them, we dance for others, so that they too are inspired to dance in their own unique ways. When we write a poem, we dance. When we cook, we dance. When we embody love through our hands, lips and gestures, we dance …
Upaya, Skillful Means
If you know water, we’ll take the water pathways, listen to the pulling of the tides, and may swim across the lake to get to the other side. If you are a climber, we’ll take the mountain way, and there, eagles may guide us when we look up …
The White Stork
In love and support for Drago, Draga and their little ones …
A Woman’s Greatest Power
A woman’s greatest power is subtle, it is quiet, it is immense …
Why Esoteric Knowledge is Hidden
A hurdle often faced in modern spirituality is profaning of the teachings and mysteries. Why was esoteric knowledge, what are the levels of initiation, and what are the problems of misunderstanding spiritual concepts, let’s dive in today to discuss this important topic …
Essence, Energy and the Holy Mystery
… A flower knows the sun because it blooms. Human skin knows the sun as it touches us in warmth. Water knows the sun as it boils, and then tea also experiences the sun. Ice melts knowing the sun, and water nourishes the earth, and so earth too comes to know the sun. But the flower is not the sun. Let’s dive into Eastern Orthodoxy and mysticism to learn about the important distinction between divine essence and energy …
Deeper Understanding of the Seven Virtues
The apple trees are in full bloom, and today I thought we’d look into the meaning of things, the essence of things, the beauty of things – to lift the veils and understand the deeper meaning of the virtues, which is essentially living a life in love …
Six Beautiful Insights from a Monk
Today we talk about the essence of things, the meaning of things, the beauty of things, as I share with you some insights that I’ve gathered from my experience and learning, as well as my interactions with Christian Orthodox monks, that we can all apply towards both our personal and romantic relationships in order to live a more harmonious and fulfilling life …