: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.

Folklore, Myth + Literature

What The Little Mermaid Knows

What The Little Mermaid Knows

What the Little Mermaid knows is that our voice matters, and that it should be treasured, respected and honoured, for it not only carries the songs of our soul and heart, but also of all those who came before us. What the Little Mermaid knows is that love is only true when we are valued for who we really are, fish tail, salt skins and all, and hairs with wreaths of petals that are half pearls …

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What Little Red Riding Hood Knows

What Little Red Riding Hood Knows

It was dark inside the wolf, almost as dark as inside the human suit … or what some others call, the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We dive into its many layers, beginning from its beginning, all the way in rural France and the oral folk traditions – where we make a choice between the Path of Needles and the Path of Pins …

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What Donkeyskin Knows

What Donkeyskin Knows

She wears her coat because of how the wind wildly swung its hem across, and the brilliance of its colour shined against the forest browns; because the dust, and mud, and dusk and dawn have all been placed there by her own hands and songs and prayers and trust and courage all kissed love to hold her …

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A Child’s Sense of Wonder & the Importance of Reading

A Child’s Sense of Wonder & the Importance of Reading

Children have the magical ability to move among the many worlds and eras of the earth; to see the land the way a tiny animal would; to experience the sky from the perspective of a wild little rose or a honey bee; to feel the patience and kindness of rhythm beneath the ground of feet; to know the hundred different scents of grass and mud; and to understand the way of language of the whispering leaves and the songs of birds …

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What Étaín Knows

What Étaín Knows

We dive into Celtic myth to explore the beautiful love story between Étaín and Midir – a love that spans over a thousand years, a love beyond time and shape – while also exploring the various changing shapes and phases of our intimate relationships …

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O. Henry’s Springtime à la Carte: Coincidences, Mistakes and Love’s Destiny

O. Henry’s Springtime à la Carte: Coincidences, Mistakes and Love’s Destiny

Dandelion wasn’t a mere plant from a meadow to be written on the menu card – for it was no longer her gentle frail fingers typing it – it was the heart’s longing, the memory that gave her life, the name of the young man who weaved her a crown of it making her his love, his future bride, one late summer afternoon, when in the shaded raspberried lane, two lovers promised to marry – a promise made not only with lips, but made with souls and hearts also …

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