Art of Love

: dedicated to deepening our human connections, so that we lead more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling lives; by exploring the wisdom and secrets of our ancestors, and unveiling the beauty beyond the veil and within ourselves.

Folklore, Myth + Literature

What Alice Knows

What Alice Knows

Let’s dive into the curious mystical worlds of Alice in Wonderland, and find the treasures of creative expansion, imagination, and the courage to go beyond the boundaries of the known …

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The Purple Dress

The Purple Dress

“And Mr. Ramsey said, “Of all the girls I ever knew, you show the greatest sense and intelligence. There is nothing more healthful and invigorating than braving the weather as you are doing. May I walk with you?” …

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Shibil, the Spiritual Beauty and Power of True Love

Shibil, the Spiritual Beauty and Power of True Love

“And he saw her as he had seen her when she held the needle with the thread in her mouth, looking at him and smiling – her smile being a song to his soul, and her eyes, two eyes, two eyes of soft light into which he had fallen instantly and his whole world had changed. “Not a needle,” Shibil thought again and sighed. “She can hold a knife like that in her mouth, and I’d gladly die from that knife!”” …

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The Song of the Wheels

The Song of the Wheels

In the beautiful story of “The Song of the Wheels” we see the beautiful meaning and purpose of our life, we see the way divine love moves through us; the way we move love through our hands, lips and gestures which serves to move other people’s hearts, minds and spirits; the way we infuse kindness, beauty and togetherness, even in the moments we may not realize we do. It is this harmony, this song of soul, that moves us along the paths of life …

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Wisdom Set in Snow

Wisdom Set in Snow

It’s a knowledge, it’s a wisdom and trust gained in snow; as winter shows us the timing and cycles of the land, the patience of rhythm, how all shapes even when we can’t yet see it, and what we’re made of …

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