I am my beloved, and my beloved’s mine ~ Song of Songs, 6:1-3

As a spiritual astrologer, I often describe Venus as our body while we sleep – how it gently moves itself through the night to put itself into greater balance and comfort. Venus is a movement of love, a subtle non-linear intuitive language, a balance of love; Venus is that which puts into balance all that isn’t yet. This reminds us that balance is not static, it is dynamic and ever moving to adjust all into harmony. The higher expression of the Venus energy isn’t about extremes – it is about this gentle movement towards balance and harmony.

In relationships, all will move to balance itself; when one partner moves to one extreme, the other will move to the opposite. Like the sea, sometimes one partner will be on a big wave, and the other will the hands holding them with stability; and then vice versa. Through these waves, and how we show up and engage and hold and unhold, we learn what the sea within which we are is.

Venus is essentially about reciprocity. She is about our ability and learning to love, our willigness to offer of ourselves, fall into love, and love truly and deeply, creating the lands upon which the “us” exists. Upon these lands she also helps us nourish our creative self expression, build our values, and create abundance, which is why she rules all of these aspects of our life also. Everything in life is a relationship. We are in a continuous relationship with all and everything, and the way we engage, relate to, connect and create are all of the Venusian energy within us.

In our natal chart, the element Venus comes through shows us her way of expression and how we may create more abundant lands of love, creativity, relationships, intimacy and spiritual wealth also. Venus is an energy of devotion, and she is a high consciousness sphere, so she is actually related to spiritual love nor just physical; and through her heart-centered wisdom she is able to transcend the physical and come into the higher spiritual essence and purpose of all of our physical senses.

Devotion is the veil through which awareness shows its beautiful face, and when we realize Venus’ true essence of love, wisdom and purity, we awaken her within us. Venus holds a copper mirror into whose reflection she asks us to look into giving us an opportunity for a deepening. The beloved is a seed of God, and love itself is a seed of God; so how do we nourish the lands within us, in the church within, in the home of our heart, where the seed can become a beautiful garden, a world made of love, embodied love.

If your natal Vanus is in water, or you are attracted to water signs, are you bringing water to the relationship, or are you just there to collect water for yourself? How do you pour love and compassion, so that the soils of your relationship are nurtured rather than dry? Too much overwatering isn’t good neither, as this too dries lands eventually. Do you nourish your own inner self, are you able to pour love and compassion on yourself also, or are people drying you out and keep taking from you? You seek depth of emotional and spiritual connection and soul intimacy, are you willing to open heart and soften skin to be touched by the ineffable and fall into the trust of the ocean waves? 

If you have a fire Venus, do you encourage, inspire, lift people and raise them up, or do you seek to take the fire and adoration for yourself and fall into selfishness? How do you nurture other people’s flames? Or you do give all your fire and then are left out in the cold? Do you start wildfire, drama or burn houses, or do you know how to master the fire to make nice meals and then cuddle up in front of the hearth?

If you have an air Venus, what air do people breathe in your presence; can they too expand in freedom of their views and self expression, or do they feel cold, unheard and judged? How do you bring clarity and kind wisdom of words? What movement and temperature do you bring; too fast to stay, too cold to breathe, so just flexible enough to nurture both of you?

If your Venus is in earth, how do you bring stability and support other’s need for stability? Are you reliable, trustworthy and responsible, and how do you show up for others? How do you sustain them through your own sources, how do you support the growth of their own dreams, their own fruits and flowers? How deep and healthy are your roots? Is your earth unstable and full of earthquakes, or perhaps too rigid and unmoving, making it hard for things to grow and be fed? What stability and wellness do you offer and sustain in your own life also?

Venus comes into her full realization when she dissolves the boundaries, thereby, awakening and realizing that all is part of her. When Venus awakes within us through self awareness, her body awakes – and she is a body of not just a physical body, she is an emotional body and spiritual body. With her awakened self her body is aware of how it moves, how it speaks, and how she affects others through her movements, lips, hands and gestures. If we don’t know how to love, we’ll hurt those whom we say we love. Venus seeks us to learn to love, and move with awareness, intention and gentleness.

Venus is about mutually tending to the joined lands of love. There will always be balance in relationships and when moves to the one extreme of the pole, the other too will move to the other extreme; there’s a dance and there’s a rhythm, and there are changing landscapes, temperatures and seasons. In the land of the “us”, whether in romantic, friendship or nature context, all interdepends and affects all else.

The higher expression of Venus knows that to receive love it needs to give and be fully engaged, giving and allowing; and there is a self awareness to her, which is why she rules our sense of self worth, self value, discernment and hopefully, moral compass; and she knows that she is part of all around her, so she is considerate of her surrounding. If she keeps all for herself and never gives, the land will dry, other people’s hearts will dry, all will dry and she with them eventually also. Whatever you wish to receive you must give of yourself to others first.

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For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.

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The beautiful cover art is by Vicente Romero Redondo, whose work I love and find so beautiful and inspiring. His official website is here. All rights reserved by the artist.

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