~ Love is to see and be seen, to know and be known, not of flesh, but through the flesh. ~
Juno is one of the main asteroids we look at in astrology, and as it is currently transiting a very important part of our sky, let’s dive deeper into its mystical secrets and wisdom. In general, Juno represents marriage, commitment, your soulmate, abundance and fertility, and what you need to feel fulfilled in life and relationships; but it is much deeper than that. Juno is actually the source of the soul’s procreation, so its placement in your chart, and any transits of it, is an opportunity for a deepening, self knowledge, understanding what happiness means for you, and the fertile soil for your soul to create something meaningful in your life with love, of love and through love.
In Roman and Greek mythology, Juno (Hera in Greek mythology) was the wife of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology), and was known for her deep loyalty to her husband, god of all gods, so she is associated with pairing soulmates and guiding us towards our heart’s happiness and union of love, within and externally. In astronomy, Juno was one of the first four asteroids discovered, along with Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta. Juno’s orbit is between Mars and Jupiter, which naturally aligns with the mythology, because Jupiter is her husband and Mars is her child. Mars was born of Juno, though she conceived him without a man nor her husband; but Jupiter still raised him as his son. This is why the higher expression of Mars is a man who has matured in his energy, and with wisdom and courage guides and protects those he loves.
Let’s begin with our current skies, and where asteroid Juno is currently transiting; I’ll then move into the mythology, so that we understand the energy of Juno deeper, and I’ll then share some ways of interpreting your Juno both in your natal chart and as transit.

As of today, March 9th of 2025, Juno is coming closer into the constellation Ophiuchus, also known as the serpent holder. Ophiuchus is associated with a figure from Greek mythology named Asclepius, who was a legendary healer and physician. This part of the sky is quite important, because we see Ophiuchus’ foot touching the Milky Way; so we see the association with the oceans of cosmic wisdom and universal knowledge.
The Milky Way is the oneness of which we all come from; it is the Great White Robe of interwoven stars – the weaving of the cosmos and of us, of our destinies, and of higher consciousness. So anything that touches it signifies spiritual wisdom, spiritual insight, illumination and enlightenment.
In esotericism, the profound truth is that every individual has as his ultimate conscious task the weaving of his “immortal body”, which one does through their deeds in life and the kind of person they choose to become, as well as their heart and soul development. In other words – the ultimate mission of an individual is to be dressed in the seamless rose, interwoven with all and with everything, no more lines, no more seams; and one does this through spiritual growth, self realization and illumination.
In Hellenistic astrology, the 9th house, home of Jupiter, was called the house of God; it is the house ruling our higher knowledge, spirituality development, and it’s a light house, signifying our spiritual body. It is our moral compass and guiding light, and when we develop spiritually we naturally will experience ourselves and life itself in more beautiful ways. To meet your soulmate you must first meet your soul – and your soul is the part of you which is your inner true essence, your unique song, your unique vibration – it’s unique because there is nothing else like it.
One of Juno’s great lessons for us, no matter where she is in our chart natally, is that she shows us that happiness is not something related to our material and it doesn’t depend on material things. Juno teaches us on happiness – and one of the oldest words for happiness was the ancient Greek words eudaimonia.
Eudaimonia is not an emotion – it is a state of being showing a life living in good spirit and virtue; it essentially means that happiness is to a live a life overall of good spirit and virtue, and to be a good person. Happiness is thus what gives us wellbeing in life, and wellbeing is not really an outcome or goal or title, it is rather a process of fulfilling or realizing one’s true nature and purpose in this life, and fulfilling our highest potential through our every day living in virtue, kindness, love and goodness. This is why is esoteric ancient scriptures, God was often named “goodness” to refer to these mystical secrets.
Money, status, all these can fall away and in our world moving forward none of these material things will matter. We are moving in an age where materially we may all become a bit more equal, and with the integration of ai in our every day work and life, what will matter most is who we are on the inside and what our true talents and gifts are.
Internal beauty and soul’s light will begin to be seen more visibly, so if there ever was a time for you to invest in your inner development, it is now. The home of our heart is where all is, all resides, it is the home of our soul, and through how we love we see who we are. Love is not merely air up in the clouds like a beautiful idea, love is meant to be embodied through our words, movements, hands and gestures.
In this part of the sky where Juno is now transiting is the Vedic nakshatra of Anuradha. Nakshatra means lunar mansion, and the goddess of love and soulmates Juno enters the bedchambers of Anuradha, which is about deep devotion.
All nakshatra are essentially feminine energy, yoni or womb – and when the seed is planted there, the feminine nurtures it, grows it and gives is birth. The planet is celestial body is the father, the nakshtra or constellation is the mother, and a child will be born. So what is being born right now is the higher spiritual understanding of love – that it is a devotional path leading to God.
Being with someone fully and truly, when two souls merge as one and become a oneness, is a most beautiful thing; but to do that each needs to be willing to fall into such trust, openness and the vulnerability to be intimate. Intimacy means into-me-see, which means to be seen and known for who you truly are. This takes courage, and this part of the sky is about courage.
Love is to be known and to know, to see and be seen, not of flesh but through the flesh. And this part of the sky is very spiritual, and Juno herself doesn’t move in a “normal” orbit, which shows us it is a non-linear thing; but if one desires to truly merge with someone one needs to take off something from their self. To fall in love is to choose to fall into trust and surrender into the cosmic waters of high soul love, which means you may need to take off parts of yourself such as conditioning, fixed ideas and perspectives, and be open enough to be seen, and clear enough and pure enough to see another person also.
Juno, the Source of Soul’s Procreation
Hera (in Roman mythology Juno), was a supreme mother goddess, goddess of all goddesses and ruler of the heavens, who created the Milky Way itself, which she painted in the heavens with the milk from her breasts. Hera was the goddess of the bed, and her bed was a primordial place for her devotion and birth of all.
For Hera, the veil was the first thing to be seen, the veils around her bed in her bedchambers, which symbolizes what one needs to see through – i.e. see through the external, and develop internally to clear your own sight and develop your third eye. The first veil for Hera is the pastós, the nuptial curtain that surrounds the thálamos (the most private part of a house), and once she made love to Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), all earth sprout the most beautiful flowers – the flowers bed on earth – thereby symbolizing her creation and fertility for all to be born.
As she devoted to her husband in loyalty and marriage, she became the goddess of marriage and commitment and fidelity, and as she was also associated with sacred sexuality and divine unions, she became the one uniting soulmates on earth also.
Through her bedchambers, and times for retreat and her high spiritual wisdom and attuning to her connection with the divine, she essentially teaches people on the importance of that also; while it is important to have our unions and relationships, it is important to renew our individual soul’s connection with heaven and earth, to figure out things on our own in order to renew the reservoir of our inner strength.
Both Hera and Zeus, both Juno and Jupiter, were sky gods, and powerful on their own; and after marriage they now had a different role to fulfill or perhaps felt a bit more constrained or narrowly defined with their new roles. And we too, have now unfortunately defined Juno in limited ways – representing only our soulmate, marriage or relationships, without actually putting in the effort through our open minds and heart’s intelligence to dissolve the boundaries and see her true wisdom. This is unfortunately what happens in astrology and all else in life, we put things in boxes and limit our learning and expansion.
So Juno isn’t just about that – she seeks you to illuminate how your soul creates what’s most deeply meaningful to you; because a soulmate isn’t just about a person, a marriage isn’t just about a legal thing, it’s a vow, it’s a spiritual thing, and it’s something you create on a soul level.
According to Proclus, a Greek Neoplatonic philosopher, the Orphic theologians called Hera “the vivific goddess” and “the source of the soul’s procreation.” In Roman vocabulary, the juno was the female form of the genius, which was essentially a protective guardian spirit of a person, who bestowed success and intellectual powers on those who showed him or her their devotion.
Juno is that which embodies our fertile spiritual core bound to earth and heaven; and it is part of how we create heaven on earth through what we do and whom we choose to be. As most people are led to God through love and a beloved, this is their path to that understanding, but during significant Juno transits on your chart many other things may begin to come alive and be born.
You may notice a new creative idea perhaps, and it could very well be divinely inspired; and through that you are shining your inner soul essence and dancing it for others, making something to express your inner beauty and giving love into the world. I’ve seen that especially when people have 9th house or Jupiter connections to their Juno transits, a lot of things of deep spiritual nature and love may begin for them.
Juno is what can guide us to our inner shining brilliance and she gently helps us bring out our inner spiritual gifts for the whole world to see. Juno’s Latin name actually means youthfulness and vitality, because when the soul is happy and joyful, it strengthens and we seem more youthful, our wellness increases, and our vitality increases.
Juno’s name is also related to the Greek word aion signifying a fertile time, and it is widely recognized and believed that her name suggests élan vital, i.e. the vital force and energy, which lies at the root of soul making.
Juno’s sacred month is June, which is why June is often a most beautiful month to marry, and she of course is also a goddess of fertility, childbirth, commitments, soulmates, abundance and wealth. She has many symbols; her most recognized one are the peacock feathers, showing her ability to see all and everything, and the peacock is also a symbol of fertility; so in Feng Shui for those ladies who want to pour some energy for love and fertility, you may have a peacock feather in a part of your bedroom.
Apart from the peacock, Juno had another sacred symbol associated with her, which was the lily or lotus, symbolizing the universal yonic emblem. As I mentioned in the beginning, Juno is the virgin mother of Mars; she conceived him with her sacred lily only, without her husband Jupiter, so she became also known as the blessed virgin Juno.
As a triple goddess and symbol of expansion and creativity (i.e. carrying the energy of three), Juno’s lily was of three petals bound together, which you may also recognize as the fleur de lis, associated with the Virgin Mary and with the templar knights; and also, as part of the coat of arms of France, which is also often carrying the feminine energy of spiritual wisdom and knowledge of Mary Magdalene also.
So how to interpret Juno in your natal chart or transit?
So yes, on a general level, you may interpret it as your soulmate or what your heart seeks in marriage, whether spiritual marriage or legal one and long term commitments or vows. For example, if your natal Juno is in Cancer or the 4th house, your soulmate will feel like you are his/her home. In you they find their home; and even from across the room or street, looking into your eyes is what gives them their deepest sense of home, serenity, calmness; you share a sacred devoted emotional cocoon, and even if there are thousands of people around you, it feels like just the two of you.
There is a lot of warmth and sweetness in your bond, and you may have dreamt of each other since you were children, or prayed for one another, or just had a deeper knowing and feeling “I am meant to be with someone in this life, and I’ll wait as long as I can, because I feel I’ve made a vow to my person from a time before time beyond time.” There is feep faith and trust here also, and you need to protect each other’s privacy, because this sign rules our heart and deepest inner most sacred self.
The sign of Cancer is a very spiritual part of the sky, and it’s also about deep roots that go beyond the boundaries of one life; and it also holds family as sacred, so you may feel like you are each other’s home, and may desire expanding through having children; or if it’s not children, it’s just an unconditional love and nurturing and devotion that you share towards one another and building and nurturing something together. You may both be quite private people, so meeting one another may take some time, because you may both spend more time at home – but as this is a very spiritual part of the sky, life itself and all secret invisible kingdoms will conspire to meet you and bring you together. Trust the timing of your life.
On a personal level, what fulfills you is feeling a sense of purpose in your life where you may pour your love into something; you love your family and seek to help create a space of belonging for people, where they feel accepted, nurtured and seen for who they are. Whether you help little animals, or your work involves caring for others and guiding them with love and wisdom, or you love your family and spend your time with them, this is your portal to happiness and evolution. Love is the seed of God; and to be able to love is a spiritual gift we give others. There is nothing more powerful than the power of our heart.
Within the heart of the constellation of Cancer is the Beehive star cluster, showing your pouring of sweetness to others, and feeding their hearts with warmth and light. Just make sure you feed yourself also, because you are here in this life to learn to receive love and nurturing and caring from others also, and feel emotional stable and protected in your sensitivity and gentleness. Keep your heart warm and pure, and don’t share it with those who don’t have the maturity nor ability to love you and protect you.
Juno’s transits are quite important also, because like I mentioned, she guides you on your path of soul creation and making something of your true joy of heart and purity of soul. It depends on where you are on your path of soul evolution, and what you need to learn next, so you need to look at your overall chart.
She may certainly show something significant happening in your love life and relationships, or being a partner in your life important for your path, but it may also be about starting a new project or creative venture, or some abundance and new opportunities, or spiritual development also, or expanding in some way whether with having a child, a union as marriage or creativity and shining a light on your gifts and talents.
Transits relates to your 9th house and Jupiter, or darakaraka or opposing atmakaraka, or ascendant ruler, or 7th house, are usually most deeply felt; but it depends on your whole chart and what else is happening. Juno transit oppositions to your Venus, Sun, ascendant ruler or natal Juno are usually what create the soils for new partner to enter or love relationship to enter a new phase or for you to self reflect on where you are in love and what you seek.
We are always in a relationship in life. Limiting relationships to only romantic ones are kind of teenager like mentalities, so we need to move away from that. You are never single; each day and continuously you are in a relationship, and if you pull the veils and enter Juno’s bedchambers, there is much to learn, much to see, much to create, from the fertility of your soul and love. This life is precious, and very beautiful, gifting us hands, lips and senses, to make something truly meaningful.
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Cover art is Jupiter and Juno by Frans Christoph Janneck.