I’ve previously written on the importance of respect in synastry through the flow of the masculine and feminine energy; on the importance of emotional maturity and self knowledge for having the maturity and capacity to have a relationship; on the importance of relationship skills and timing in life; on the lunar compatibility and importance of the emotional worlds of both people; on the importance of their dharmic paths and alignments through their soul charts; on the importance of seeing whether there are any karmic ropes and how to navigate through them; and today I’ll share with you yet another important aspect of romantic synastry, which comes from Vedic astrology, and it is called yoni kuta.

Yoni kuta shows us the instinctive and primal attraction between two people, and is a big part of sexual intimacy and compatibility. Yoni means “source” and refers to the sexual organ from which we are created; and the way we find our yoni is essentially the animal totem associated with our natal Moon’s nakshatra; this animal symbolizes the primal and instinctive nature of a person – or what lies beneath their external skin or personal or social mask, in their deep underground of their inner lands.

In our undergrounds we all have our own animal, our primal creature that moves on raw instinct, it leads us with its instinct and intuition also, and it also comes out in times of crisis, extremes such as stress, and during our intense sexual moments or the more intense aspects of our overall physical attraction.

When you and your partner are compatible in this way, you’ll be able to bond through intense experiences such as those fun ones between the bed sheets, as well as be able to stay close and connected during difficulties and when you are navigating the wild unknown lands of life when we find ourselves stuck in the wilderness and need to navigate through the dark forests, tall mountains, and rocky landscapes.

So this is actually a very important aspect of synastry – because it isn’t just about physical intimacy, it is also about how you are able to stay together when things get rough or unexpected. We all sometimes find ourselves in the forests, muddy and rocky landscapes, and we need to find ways to survive this wilderness that has come upon our relationship lands. A relationships isn’t about the white picket fence, because sometimes we find ourselves in the wild unknowns and we need to learn to make fire with sticks. In those moments we need the right partner beside us.

Your instinctive nature can be highly bonding, harmonious, sort of so-so or it can be straight up disruptive to someone else’s. Very harmonious yoni kuta couples often have amazing and mind-blowing sexual connections, while couples that are disruptive to one another may find themselves disappointed or bored with this part of their relationship. As always, there are no deal breakers here, because synastry is complex, it is just about being aware of how you both are, so that deeper awareness, compassion and understanding can enter your relationship.

What is your animal?

Look at the nakshatra animal of your natal Moon’s nakshatra, and then look at its compatibility with your partner’s. I’ve written in depth on nakshatra animal totems before in my article Nakshatra Animal Totems, and here are a list below for your reference.

Please be mindful that different schools of astrology or traditions may have slightly different animal nakshatra associations. Choose the one that resonates with you, and don’t get fixed on what’s right or what isn’t – because essentially, you are looking to know the universe within you, and your way of knowing that is through what feels right for you and your self knowledge. 

List of nakshatra animals, yonis:

1. Ashwini (Ketu ruled) – male horse
2. Bharani (Venus ruled) – male elephant (or female elephant)
3. Krittika (Sun ruled) – female goat
4. Rohini (Moon ruled) – male serpent
5. Mrigisira (Mars ruled) – female serpent
6. Ardra (Rahu ruled) – female dog
7. Punarvasu (Jupiter ruled) – female cat
8. Pushya (Saturn ruled) – male goat
9. Ashlesha (Mercury ruled) – male cat
10. Magha (Ketu ruled) – male rat
11. Purva Phalguni (Venus ruled) – female rat
12. Uttara Phalguni (Sun ruled) – male cow
13. Hasta (Moon ruled) – female buffalo
14. Chitra (Mars ruled) – female tiger
15. Swati (Rahu ruled) – male buffalo
16. Vishaka (Jupiter ruled) – male tiger
17. Anuradha (Saturn ruled) – female deer (or female hare)
18. Jyeshta (Mercury ruled) – male deer (or male hare)
19. Mula (Ketu ruled) – male dog
20. Purva Ashadha (Venus ruled) – male monkey
21. Uttara Ashadha (Sun ruled) – mongoose
22. Shravana (Moon ruled) – female monkey
23. Danishta (Mars ruled) – female lion
24. Satabhishak (Rahu ruled) – female horse
25. Purva Bhadra (Jupiter ruled) – male lion
26. Uttara Bhadra (Saturn ruled) – female cow
27. Revati (Mercury ruled) – female elephant (or male elephant)


So let’s go through an example, and let’s say you have Punarvasu Moon which is the female cat. Well naturally cats like other cats, tigers and lions. Punarvasu’s perfect partner the male cat Ashlesha sits one nakshatra away from itself, which shows that usually these natives may be close to their soulmate or feel them or believe in them since childhood, and yet it may take some time until they find them, because naturally they are more solitary and introverted, so it’s kind of like they are waiting for their soulmate to literally knock on their door. For them I often think of the saying “soulmates eventually find each other because they have the same hiding place”.

What we also notice about the cat family of cats, tigers and lions is that each feline family is in each group of guna: cats in the rajas, tigers in the tamas, and lions in the sattwa. The symbolism of this is the cats are actually very adaptable across natures, and very charismatic – they can charm anyone in love – and what matters to them in relationships is the deeper than skin emotions and feelings, but also sensuality, romanticism, loyalty, and privacy. But not all felines are the same – for example, lions are different since they live in prides, and the male lion depends on the female for food. This can point out to the need for them to feel nourished by another.

Their sexual nature and behaviour of felines are similar and they will find high attraction and sexual compatibility to these other feline nakshatras. Their relationships are usually very deep, passionate and emotionally binding as they tend to share deep intuitive and empathic understanding; and share their need for space, independence yet a lot of closeness, binding, protection and cuddling.

The female cat of Punarvasu is deeply intuitive, mystical, spiritual, sensual and fiercely protects its privacy. She is also very independent, and will not tolerate someone stepping over her boundaries and will certainly cut someone out if they betray her trust. Deeply sensual, she feels all through all her sharpened sense and she desires a partner who is devoted to her wholebodily and wholeheartedly; and unless it’s her right one, she will not really settle down. She has no trouble being solitary, and will only tame herself for marriage if she really falls in love and meets someone who can match her on all levels.

Cats are also friendly with deers/hares (Anuradha and Jyeshta), the monkeys (Purva ashadha and Shravana) and the mongoose (Uttara ashadha). The deer/hares are sensitive, sensual and mystical and spiritual as she is; the monkeys are playful and cheerful but also philosophical which appeal to her open mind, curiosities and playfulness; and the mongoose is unique and individualistic which she certainly respects, because she is highly individualistic also.

As I mentioned, the yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During intense experiences, including sex, as human beings we usually turn to our instinctive nature as symbolized by the yonis, and when compatible, the couple will be better at staying close, bonded and connected through intense situations and crisis.

For dogs, their instinct and primal nature in such situations is holing up; for elephants, immobility; for deer/hare, fear motivated actions; for horses, panic; for lions, pride and arrogance; for monkeys, lack of seriousness and being flighty; for mongoose, viciousness; for tigers, ruthlessness and aggression, etc.

For cats, their primal nature in such moments can be detachment and indifference. During crisis situations cats can sometimes quiet down or detach, so they need an understanding partner who will help them come out of their shell, and be able to trust their partner. A cat needs to trust you, otherwise she will flee; she will sit and observe you until she feels safe enough with you, and will only surrender to you and trust your guidance if she really trusts you, which she can only do if you show her and prove to her she can trust you.

Cats are extremely sensitive beings, and each little hair on their fur and skin feels something and is wired to sense everything around them, every subtle movement. Because of their sensitivity they can feel startled by conflict or drama, and they don’t like these situations, so they’ll just close off or detach. They need loyalty, trust, serenity and a certain sense of cleanliness, both literally and metaphorically. This is why they do well with strong and calm signs who have been through a lot of difficulties and have grown and matured through it; they love mature partners and those who have emotional depth as well as spiritual strength, courage and will power.

To make the cat feel closer to you, you need to build her trust, and show her that you will stay by her side no matter what happens. If she begins to act detached, it’s only because she may not be trusting you or taking you seriously. Cats need attention, depth and emotional connection, and in times of difficulty it is good to stay by her side and hold her, and remain really calm and compassionate and loving, never raise your voice or act immaturely, she will not react positively to you at all; they do not like aggression nor dominance in any form. Be strong but not over-bearing or dominating; remember that cats need their space. Intimately and physically, these are very sensual creatures, so she’ll certainly be very spicy and wrapping all around you; cats needs a lot of touch and are very sensitive to, and easily stimulated by touch, temperature and movements.

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Cover art “The Lovers” by Marco Proietto

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