In simple terms, transcendence is the ability to perceive the additional layers of the meaning of it all; to see beyond the veils, to touch that which holds us all even without hands. It is an expansion of perception and a way of fully seeing the world; it’s a seeing beyond the surface level towards the deeper connections that are at play. It’s a seeing of the whole and not just the individual parts.

The benefit of touching transcendence is that you now have the opportunity to see the deeper reality and the interconnection of all things. And this holds you. It holds you because you now realize that you’re not just merely a part, but you are a part of that whole deeper reality. This allows for a deeper and more meaningful interaction with life, in a much more intentional and present way, as we become more fully aware of the greater arch of our life and its connection with the larger whole.

When we see, even if only a glipmse of the deeper reality, we get to touch that which is beyond us, and all of life becomes deeper, richer, more meaningful. God is an inner experience, just like love is an inner experience also.

The world of transcendence is the world spiritually guided people live in. And if you call to mind the people in your life who have truly embodied what it means to be human, and humane, you’d probably find out that they spend most of their time in the world of transcendence.

These are the people who walk a kindness and patience of rhythm, with deep respect, appreciation, humility and reverence for life and other people. These are the people who pay great attention to the simple beauty of life, while doing all their work with dedication and clear focus; and they are people of certain quietness not interested in the noise of social media; with a quietness of wisdom in their subtle gestures and words. These are the people who have the curiously shy aura of the real artists – the artists of life, of love, the mystics who enter all with a beginner’s mind.

Today we’ll talk about spiritual development, and the first thing to know is that genuinely spiritual people have warm hearts. They are loving, selfless, and compassionate. Their selflessness and charitable spirits don’t come at the expense of their own self, no, they have clear boundaries and are morally and spiritually guided, but they have the beautiful marriage of purity of heart, clarity of mind and sincerity in action. And they have a strong higher moral compass and attunement.

Higher spiritual development can only be achieved through moral attunement and the purification of the lower self via the conscious influence of the higher self.

The higher or more exalted phases of spiritual development are achieved through surrendering the lower ego or lower unrefined urges and aligning and attuning to God and the Christ being within us. What this means is that your feeling, thinking and will become united with God as you evolve spiritually, and the divine love will begin expressing itself through. You will embody love and higher virtues, and you’ll become it its hands, voice and movements in each ordinary day. This happens through the inner alchemical process of heart and mind purification; it’s a spiritualization process.

Our astral body enwraps our etheric body which enwraps our physical. Our astral is the spirit self essentially, and the etheric is like an organ of assimilation – so whatever it receives and its quality and purity, and however it then “translates” this based on its own purity of emotional and mental body, then becomes part of the physical and is shaped in tangible ways through us.

The purification of our astral body is called the spirit self; then we move into the purification of the etheric which is the life spirit, and then we move into the awakening of the Christ being within us and embodying the love for the betterment of humanity. At this level of spiritual development, when our focus is the betterment of humanity and we’ve become love and spiritually guided by moral compass and attuned to higher truth, humanity will, so-called, ascend.

We are all together as humanity. No one will be left behind. However long it takes for all to evolve, this is how long it’d take, but all must evolve, which is why it is important to evolve and with the intention for the betterment of others, so that we can contribute to them and help all. We are here to hold each other, rise each other, lift each other up.

When the astral body purifies it gives rise to what’s known as the imaginative spirit or what’s known as mana in some cultures. This is one of the highest soul development, and from it then follows the inspiration soul development or life spirit, and then the intuitive soul development or the Christ, and then the total integration takes place. But let’s keep it more simple today.

Spiritual development can only be achieved through being a moral person. Not ego human-made moral; divine moral following the higher truth and spiritual ethics.

This means that as you evolve, your feelings and impulses will naturally become more aligned with God and Christ within your being rather than the urges within you. This means you are able to be selfless, kind, compassionate, non-judgmental, ethical etc.

So morality emerges within you as a natural impulse and course of action, rather than you wondering what morality is etc. You are just naturally aligned to what it is, because you have come into that inner sacred union and awakened your Christ heart within you. And it is precisely this clear attunement and sight that moves you forward to perceive everything and the higher truths more objectively from the spirit worlds.

There is also a purity within you that happens as you develop spiritually; and what this means is that you will feel a natural aversion to evil, cruelty and falseness. There is absolutely no desire within you to hurt nor harm anyone or anything in any shape or form because you are going through a purification of the astral body – so it is this purification within your body and the transcendence of the attachment to the so-called tamas and rajas gunas, and lower or unrefined urges that guides your moral compass.

As you become more sattvic in your primary energy expression, and your astral body begins to purify, there are no more so-called lower urges because they have been sublimated. And because of this purification nothing “impure” gets to the physical body – because – when the astral is purified, it sends purified images and information to the etheric and then to the physical.

But when the astral is not purified then yes, you will get false information, and mistake lower clairvoyance for higher clairvoyance, and just not know the difference. You can only resonate with the level of your consciousness, so naturally, the higher consciousness truths and information need you to have the capacity within you to receive them and perceive them.

This is why you may not resonate with a book, but don’t throw it out. Perhaps wait a few years, maybe a lot longer, and as you evolve and some day come back to it, you may suddenly see it all – you may suddenly understand all the esoterics within it. The same thing happens with people who may have read some ancient script or esoteric book, and they don’t get it, but later on in life the wisdoms in the pages reveal themselves. We can only perceive what we are in resonance with, i.e. our level of awareness or awakened consciousness.

This is called attunement.

It doesn’t matter whether someone is calling themselves psychic or not, that’s not a big deal if you are anyway. Because many psychics access only lower realms. What your focus should be is attunement – i.e. attuning yourself to higher consciousness, so that the quality of your insights, perception and knowledge rises.

Truth needs to be at the center of your being, and we have to be willing to stay humble in our flaws as human beings and self reflect. Many people try to rationalize or intellectualize God and give themselves a sense of self importance and validation, but that’s just spiritual ego. It’s kind of like people with the mentality of “it’s more important for me to be right than for the objective higher truth to be shown”.

You need to remain in the humility that as human beings we’ll never know it all, that we are at the feet of God and we are not intellectualizing God, and we are open to learn and re-learn, because as flawed individuals we can’t possibly limit the greater consciousness into our own limited perceptions. If we are trying to intellectualize God through our limited human consciousness and perception, we are essentially saying that he too is flawed; and that’s just merely ignorant and spiritually immature.

As we attune clearly and to the higher realms by purifying our astral body, the next phase of spiritual development is the purification of the etheric body – also known as the Venus development, the inspiration soul, the Buddhi awareness or the life spirit soul development phase.

A spiritual master isn’t someone who wrote a good book or is an influencer or has likes on social media. A spiritual master is someone who isn’t defined by their life work neither, they are someone who has achieved a certain level of spiritual development. Most such real masters you will not find online, they will have very quiet private lives, and it is you who needs to find them as part of your initiation and opening of awareness.

This is how you see who is real and who isn’t – the real ones aren’t loud, and it takes your own rising and development of self to perceive the truth they embody; it’s in their energy and purity that they are able to inspire within you truth and wisdom on your path ahead. But it is up to us as human beings to evolve otherwise we can’t perceive this.

The spiritually impure cannot perceive the spiritually pure; they think they can but they can’t; they will convince they do but they don’t and will not perceive the spiritually pure. But once you evolve, you will be able to see right through this and know straight away who is who, who is true and who is false. Once you know what truth sounds like – because it has a very specific note – you cannot mistake it for anything else, no matter in what sparkling packages it comes.

Truth has a very specific note of tune, and once you are attuned to that frequency, your body will feel an aversion to all that isn’t of purity and higher truth. You may even feel physical aversion around certain people, because you are simply no longer at their frequency or distorted radio stations from which they speak and align to.

Listen and pay attention to people’s perceptions and perspectives, as it will show you who they are. As the Bible says, “you will know them by their fruits.” When seeds of true love are planted, love fruits will grow; and yes, it may take time to see certain people more clearly but as you develop spiritually it will become very quickly to reveal itself to you. You will also know people’s beliefs by their actions – whatever their actions are essentially shows you what they internally and subconsciously believe about themselves also.

When someone has that life spirit development on some level, their mere presence evolves you into truth and higher love and healing – and depending on your own current level of spiritual development, it may feel easy and calming immediately, or it may activate you into change to reach higher by facing your own inner shadows.

The development of the so-called inspiration soul is so clear and pure that you first get the clear knowing of something and only after that you get the clairvoyance insights. So this essentially means you are highly claircognizant, have deep wisdom and natural knowledge that just comes to you and is accurate and truthful and of higher truth and insight. This phase is called the spiritual master, or the Buddha state, or the saint in Christian tradition. At this high state, it is as if you act like an earth angel – which means you are embodied love. We all embody angels on earth when we speak and act of love and embody love, but at this phase of evolution it is almost like a continuous one because one becomes very attuned.

What comes naturally next is the purification of the entire physical. This last phase of spiritual and soul development is called the intuitive soul, which is essentially the complete alignment of your will to God – all your impulses become aligned to higher divine moral.

This is because you become union itself, and you understand that all good for others is good for you, and nothing is good for you if it is not good for others. There is entire selflessness here and dissolution of boundaries and contribution to humanity.

Their only will and interest now becomes the betterment of humanity and it is all completely pure within them. This is because both the astral and etheric are now purified, and all actions and impulses physically are aligned and attuned to that of the Christ being or Christ consciousness.

Their only intention is to further the evolution of humanity, so there is no more self interest here. This was the level of Jesus Christ, when Jesus purified himself on all these levels we discussed and was then able to be entered by Christ and embody the Christ consciousness.

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Cover photograph by me. 

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