Today let’s dive into the spiritual wisdom of nakshatras, and I’ll guide you through one of my favourite techniques on the trimurti activity for each nakshatra, which comes from Vedic astrology. Each of the nakshatras are connected to either one of the trimurti – Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva – and this may offer you further insight on the themes and wisdom they hold.
This is actually a very simple, yet insightful technique, and understanding these trimurti energies further may deepen both your own inner knowledge and your professional spiritual practice.
Let’s begin, and first,
What is a nakshatra?
Nakshatra is the term for lunar mansion in Vedic astrology; and a lunar mansion is like a segment of the ecliptic through which the Moon passes in its orbit around the Earth; you may think of them as constellations if you prefer, or rather, it is a part within a constellation. So for example, within the constellation of Gemini, there may reside Ardra and part of Punarvasu nakshatra.
Our Moon’s nakshatra is most important because it essentially shows the seed or womb of which we are born, and the story of it may sometimes sound like our life’s story.
There are 27 nakshatras – and they are essentially the wives of the god Moon, called Chandra; and so together with the Moon we have the 28 days which is the Moon’s cycle.
In Vedic myth, the story tells that Chandra went to Daksha, who was one of the divine king-rishis and agents of creation, and Dasha offered him his 27 daughters to marry. Each night god Moon would spend in a new wife’s bedchamber, lunar mansion; but Rohini was his favourite, and he’d spend extra time with her, which made all others jealous and angry, and Dasha banned Chandra to wax and wane in the night sky each month.
A nakshatra isn’t merely a constellation nor a lunar mansion though – it is much deeper than that. It shows us the fruit that may be born.
Nakshatra, as all else in life, begins with a seed. Shakti, or the feminine energy, then receives the seed, as she is the receptive, and grows the seed. She nourishes the seed and grows it within her soil; and then each planet who enters her lunar mansion is the one who will deliver the fruit.
The planet is the husband, the nakshatra is the wife, and a child will be born.
For example, a natal Sun in Punarvasu: Sun is the husband, Punarvasu is the wife, and of their love and togetherness and merging, a child will be born. To understand this child and how the child may grow also, you need to understand the marriage between the husband and the wife and their unique relationship; who are they in their unique self, and in their togetherness. This is just like all relationships; there is you, there is I, and then, there is the relationship – the third soul and soil of our love.
Essentially, the planet will deliver the fruits of the nakshatra and the energy of the zodiac constellation, regardless of whether you use the Western or Eastern systems. As a spiritual astrologer I use both for deeper and more holistic insight, but each practitioner has their own practice depending on their knowledge and experience.
Each nakshatra is like a yoni, or a womb, a seed within a soil, which shows us our nature and nutritive needs related to that planet. This shows the feminine aspect of receptivity of nakshatras – receiving the seed that we are, and then nurturing it into being. So in this sense, the nakshatras show the kind of energy associated with each celestial body.
Trimurti activity of the Nakshatras
Each nakshatra is associated with the activity and energy of one of the three trimurti. For example, a natal moon in Punarvasu nakshatra, which is Jupiter ruled, will be in the Brahma trimurti, and this may give you more insight on the themes or activity through which its energy will move through when activated. You may also look into the predominance of the trimurti in the natal chart, and see whether the native’s intend or flow comes more through the Brahma or Vishnu activities etc.
The trimurti are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and each of them is connected to their divine feminine counterpart known as the tridevi, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati. And so, whenever we will speak of Brahma we must speak of Saraswati as she is his beloved, Vishnu is with Lakshmi and Shiva is with Parvati. Now let’s dive deeper, and after the discussion I will walk you through some examples of how you may apply these concepts in interpretations.
For reference, please know that I am a spiritual astrologer centered in Western astrology; however, in my practice I use a holistic approach blending techniques from various systems of astrology such as Vedic, Esoteric and Shamanic. I use the Tropical zodiac for planets and charts, and Sidereal for the nakshatras. While this may seem unconventional to some, it is what aligns to me, and what I have found to work best in my professional work with clients for over ten years.
I practice spiritual astrology based on insight, intuition, experience, and what I myself have gained as spiritual wisdom and knowledge along my mystic’s path and vast studies into mysticism and esotericism. The intention of my readings is spiritual development and clients who are dedicated to their dharma and spiritual growth.
- Ketu ruled nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha, Mula
- Moon ruled nakshatras: Rohini, Hasta, Shravana
- Jupiter ruled nakshatras: Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purva bhadra
Ketu, Moon and Jupiter ruled nakshatras fall into the Brahma trimurti, which essentially shows spiritual wisdom and interests, creative power and talents, and intuitive abilities as well. Brahma is essentially the creator – it is Saraswati, which means pooling water, and blesses people with creativity, expansion and spirituality.
When we see many planets and especially a native’s atmakaraka in the Brahma, we usually see someone who may be very intuitive, psychic, spiritual; they may be connected to ancient wisdom and ancestor wisdom, be astrologers, seers, mystics, and hold within themselves depth of spiritual richness.
Brahma isn’t just about spirituality though – it is also kama, i.e. desire, because desire expands us and creates. So some of these Brahma activity nakshatras may desire family, children, relationships, wealth. They are also incredibly talented usually, as Saraswati is about creative talents for arts, poetry, speech, writing; and can be amazing mystical or romance poets, visionaries, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
The water association with Brahma and Saraswati is that they may be channelers, and channel intuitively divine wisdom and love into their creations; they can be especially very good at channeling wisdom through their words, as saraswati rules speech and words.
As you can see both the Moon and Jupiter are associated with Brahma, the creator of all, the spiritual wisdom, and indeed this holds deep symbolism. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, the cave of our heart; and Jupiter loves being connected to this zodiac. This is because the spiritual path begins in the heart always; and true intelligence is heart-centered. The soul resides in our heart, and the truly genuinely people have deep compassion and are very heart-led, heart-moved.
True higher intelligence isn’t linear; it is rather non-linear, and it is only one our more subtle senses may perceive. It requires a certain mysticism; our willigness and ability to dissolve the boundaries within and the borders of our conditioning, for new insights to emerge.
This is also why truly wise people will always tell you how wisdom isn’t in books, and one must often unlearn to learn, unknown to know, and be in continuous state of the beginner’s mind and the humility that we’ll never know it all – but that’s where God breathes, on the unwritten pages, and moves us and shapes us into what we were always meant to be and to contribute.
Genuine creativity too is divinely inspired, and it needs freedom to thrive; freedom from our expectations and others’ projections on what it should be and how it should look like. Poetry will not resonate with all, your art will not resonate with all, your words too will not resonate with all – and whomever it is meant to be perceived by, will.
And this is where the higher truth settles in: the spiritually impure will never perceive the spiritually pure, they think they can and do but they can’t and don’t. This is why esoteric text is often harder to perceive perhaps, but it is meant to be understood in its right timing, as the student begins to open inner pathways, they will perceive new layers of the text. And this is why – we shouldn’t throw away books or discart knowledge just because we “don’t resonate with it”; wait it out a while, and in years time, re-read it. As we rise in inner awareness, we perceive more.
Once we let the wisdom of our awakened heart guide us, we move into the flow of Brahma; and the dreamer becomes the dream itself, the dancer becomes the dance itself, desire becomes us. We become creation.
Deeper Insights on Brahma:
~ the opening of the eye; the beginning to see the dream ~
Brahma is the great dream, rising from the navel, which is the portal of our consciousness. This is why it is about creation itself, and why it holds desire also, because desire pulls us towards creation; so the eye begins to see the dream.
Whenever we talk of Brahma we talk of Saraswati also, for she is the feminine aspect associated with Brahma; just as for Vishnu it is Lakshmi, and for Shiva it is Parvati.
Brahma is connected with Svadhishtana, which in Sanskrit translates to “one’s own base”, “having a good standing place”, and this is in our body our navel or sacral chakra. The navel and sacral are associated with creation, with pleasure, and also, with the unconscious and with deeper emotions. It is a water space, and it is also about ou nurturing and nourishment we receive, and then give.
The sacral chakra also deals with stored deep emotions from childhood, so for people who may have dormant or unresolved emotions there or unacknowledged experiences and emotions, it is important to work through them as all is stored here deep within and impacts our decisions forward, our wellbeing, and how energies may manifest.
Brahma Trimurti Examples:
We see Punarvasu, the return of light and renewal of soul after Ardra’s thunders. Known as the purest of all nakshatras, there is deep spiritual wisdom here, and ability to raise people. Of both heart and truth of soul, Punarvasu moves towards spiritual growth, development, intuition and creativity. As the mother of all gods Aditi is the deity associated with Punarvasu, it knows nurturing and guides with wisdom, while continuously birthing love in this world and expansion through creativity and their high intelligence on various subjects. With a clear eye, Punarvasu loves wildlife and even the smallest of animals, and its ability to love and nurture is how the world expands and comes into unity; seeing that dream may include all and everything, as long as we are able and learn to love. Punarvasu has a deep strong spiritual core, and its ability to love and nurture without discrimination are healing to humanity.
Rohini is here also, where beauty seeks to become its path of expression, though it also learns not to overindulge. The sense birth beauty in our creations, but we may not attach to them too strongly, and just use them in their highest expression for spiritual purpose and intention; senses deepen us in self knowledge if we allow them to, because we experience ourselves in deeper ways seeing the romance and interconnection of all.
- Venus ruled nakshatras: Bharani, Purva phalguni, Purva ashada
- Mars ruled nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Danishta
- Saturn ruled nakshatras: Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara bhadra
Vishnu is the preserver, and it is also associated with Lakshmi narayana. Venus, Mars and Saturn are here to preserve, protect and persevere; and essentially, it shows us who we are, because we are who we protect and what we stand up for.
Vishnu trimurti is about the heart, devotion (such as Anuradha), material wealth and building your legacy, and it is also about the extension of things and prolonging of things. So usually if someone is going through a dasha related to Vishnu, it shows something will be prolonged for its duration.
Vishnu gives people responsibility and something to preserve or protect; and this can of course sometimes feel a bit burdensome because of that task, but essentially, Vishnu gives us that which we can learn love through.
Vishnu gives us opportunity to learn the difference between desire and love, between that which is temporary and that which is not, so that we learn not to sacrifice real connection for fake one, and be able to discern true love from false love.
Deeper Insights on Vishnu:
~ the open witnessing the dream, sustaining the dream ~
Brahma creates that which is known as the greater dream, and Vishnu preserves it. Lakshmi is the feminine associated with Vishnu; and the chakra connected to Vishnu is the solar plexus or Sun in the chart – it is what cleanses the prana or life giving breath and it is the fire in our body moving us.
Vishnu translates to Vish-Nu, meaning “the one with no toxicity in him”, so what this means is that he is free from all poison and can channel the bodily energies to balance the entire system and the universal forces.
This is why, for Vishnu nakshatras or time periods, the higher purpose is to dive deeper within and know that it is toward self compassion and self love; to learn what love is and discern it from false love is to essentially begin to be able to cleanse ourselves and balance our energy within, so that it’s healthier and more pure.
Shakti sits in the heart of Vishnu, and sits there calmly; she isn’t trying to “become” something else, there is deep acceptance here. This is connected to the breath – and how we are meant to fall into this deep acceptance of where we are in life, who we are, and give rising to our true essence. It isn’t about perfect ideas of ourselves nor is it about perpetuating or feeling trapped in our conditionings – here, in the heart of Vishnu, we learn what love is.
Vishnu Trimurti Examples:
We see Anuradha, the lotus flower, the devotional path. It is a traveling nakshatra, but is one of deep devotion, and devotion is the veil through which awareness shows its beautiful face. It knows that mud may sometimes be firstly seen, but it is only the way the lotus flower first needs so that it later shows its beauty on the surface; a flower is a flower, but mud too is flower, soil too is a flower, the unseen yet is too flower; until eventually it reaches its hands through the soil for merging. Beauty and love unveil in most beautiful ways, and Anuradha is often the heart’s desires fulfilled through our perseverance, trust and continuous devotion and nurturing.
We see Purva ashada here – the one who resides in the heart of Sagittarius, while governed by the goddess of love Venus. It gives beauty of wisdom and a way of showing the light in another rather than the darkness. It is imbued with a spirit of invincibility – it is the invincible one, because there is nothing more powerful than wisdom of heart. There is a continuous desire for purification, and when aligned to higher virtue shows charitable people, and fair and intelligent people of high integrity.
- Sun ruled nakshatras: Krittika, Uttara phalguni, Uttara ashada
- Rahu ruled nakshatras: Ardra, Swati, Shatabishta
- Mercury ruled nakshatras: Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati
Shiva is about rudra, storms, he is known as the destroyer – and yet he isn’t necessary “destroying” without meaning, he seeks freedom from all that isn’t working anymore.
Shiva nakshatras are about freedom.
So these natives can be priests, brahmans, philosophers, rebels, innovators; these people are about freedom from what binds us. They may seek to shake up established orders, breaking old structures, and destroy whatever binds them as they seek freedom.
Everything is nature can be either medicine or poison, depending on how you use, the intention and the quality. So too much Shiva, without self awareness and higher purpose, can break things or rebel just for rebelling sake or for chaos rather than for some higher cause.
When Shiva combines with Vishnu in someone’s chart this can actually create good journalists and whistleblowers who help societies and humanity see the truth of something; they seek to expose the truth for the betterment of humanity, so there could be honourable quality to it if combined with Vishnu i.e. the heart center.
When combined with Vishnu we may see someone who understands protection and understands what is worthy of preserving rather than just destroying. Vishnu is what opens the heart to show us this is what we are preserving here, and this is what is worthy of our protection, so in the example of the whistleblowers, it is preserving the truth.
When Shiva has the heart centered awareness of Vishnu, it may an energy that is very potent for meaningful change in our world; and such natives can help the collective rise in awareness, paving a better path forward for humanity.
Deeper Insights on Shiva:
~ the eye closing to the dream, and awakening to the reality ~
While many people will naturally connect Shiva to destruction, what this energy represents on a deeper level is awakening us to the truth of life, and this usually happen after some disilluionment; but truthfully, love can only begin after the disillusionment.
Shiva is known for his deep meditations and bringing yoga, union, to humanity; and Parvati is his partner, with whom there was a deep love, a passionate one, shaking up the mountains and people thinking it to be earthquakes or thunderstorms.
In this way, we often awaken ourselves to the truth of life, and with Shiva, as long as it is acting of its higher energy aligned to purpose and dharma, it shows people who can be very discerning and see things very clearly.
Shiva connects to the throat energy center, and also relates to cleansing the past karmic impulses. The throat center or chakra, known as Vishuddha, is known as the purification center where the nectar amrita drips down and is split into pure form and a poison. Everything in life can be either medicine or poison depending on its usage.
So in its higher manifestation, the nectar becomes higher vision, discernment, clarity, truth and integrity, and is associated with creativity and self expression – we create with our voice, and we may create amazing things, meaningful things.
When this is a closed center, or in its lower vibration, this leads to problems and degradation; where as when it is open, the so-called lessons of life are seen by the individual as opportunities for deepening, knowledge, and are translated and turned into wisdom and higher learning.
Vishuddha translates to “very pure”, “free from vice”, “virtuous” and “brilliant”; however, Vis-Shuddhi also translates as purification from poison, or removal of poison. Shiva held the “halahal” which came from the poison which came from the churning of the cosmic oceans in his throat; and as such, it is our throat which is the point where purification can happen.
There is deep symbolism here that humbles us into its understanding – because it shows that whether poison or nectar comes of us is up to us, and that purification is key, which comes through self knowledge, and inner spiritual knowledge. For some people, it may come naturally – they may naturally be of more integrity; for others, rain may come to purify them; and yet for others, they may not even ever know the poisons they hold.
It is usually very easy to see who someone is based on their words, perspectives – it shows you who they are, it shows you what moves through them, the kind of nectar they hold. Our voice can cleanse, can heal, can purify the hearts and even souls of others; but it can also hurt others, taint them, and make them ill. It is only up to us whether we choose to use our voice and words for wisdom, to raise others, to encourage and be kind, to lift each other up.
Truth is powerful and carries a very clean high note, it’s a very specific note; once we know what it sounds like because we’ve awakened and risen to its higher vibration, we can’t ever mistake it for another sound nor note. But to recognize it, we need to awaken within and purify the within, otherwise we can’t resonate with it nor receive it nor hear it even if it’s loud in front of us. Truth cleanses and frees, it doesn’t hurt nor harm; it liberates. It liberates us from illusions and deceptions, and when aligned to integrity, tenderness of the feminine, and the higher virtues, the dharmic person knows how to express it and the world itself is a better place.
Shiva Trimurti Examples:
We see in the Shiva trimurti Swati nakshatra: Swati is the wind, very independent, and they cannot be swayed by anyone nor anything. Swati is about resilience and adaptability also, and their free mind allows them beautiful unique insights and creative expression and flow of energy. Loyalty and integrity often drive them.
We also see Ardra – the thunders; and thunders wake us up at night even from deep sleep. Then comes the rain, and rain cleanses the lands, it is needed; Ardra is symbolized by the teardrop, for tears too cleanse us and purify us and stabilize our nervous system sometimes. Ardra seeks to deepen itself into compassion for humanity.
And we see Ashlesha here also, which may sound a little counterintuitive to some on why it relates to Shiva. Well, Ashlesha is about intense attachments, it is the star of attachments. It is a snake that wraps around around all and doesn’t let go, whether it is people, situations, ideas, emotions; it coils up and around, until eventually the pressure begins to intensify so powerfully that it may begin to hurt, and the only way to feel release is to let go. Ashlesha learns freedom by finally opening up and releasing itself from its attachments, which are often unhealthy; it transforms itself through its intense attachments and into deeper self knowledge.
How to interpret:
For example, let’s say it is Shiva trimurti that is being activated, then the goal or intention of this transit may be freedom. Or if it is Vishnu, perhaps the native may be focused on building their legacy or building a family or focusing on something that matters to them and they’d want to preserve, such as a creative venture or spiritual practice also, especially if also with Brahma.
During a Vishnu period, there may be something being prolonged for a longer time but there would be a higher purpose to it that is serving your highest good and spiritual good; and would be showing the native what love is, how to show up for love and have self compassion also. It may also show something beautiful is being birthed and it just needs more nurturing and perseverance.
During Brahma periods, the focus would usually be on spiritual pursuits, developing intuition or their spiritual practice, and perhaps writing, communication, publishing, teaching, inspiring others and also showing and expressing their creative talents.
Another way to use the trimurti is to look at your natal Moon nakshatra as its ruler may colour your whole life path, and its trimurti may play a major role also.
For example, if your natal Moon is in Punarvasu, as we discussed above, it is ruled by Jupiter, falling into Brahma, so your whole life will be quite Jupiterean, as well as the Brahma influence of creativity, intuitive, spirituality, mysticism.
Suppose your natal Jupiter falls into your 9th house; this shows that in past lives there was much emphasis for you in your 8th house of gaining esoteric knowledge, astrology, mysticism, and you gathered a lot of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. But you didn’t really share it openly as the 8th house is more private in its nature – and yet you hold all of this wisdom, which now, in this life, you’ve incarnated to share with more people and perhaps even rise up in your role as a spiritual guide, teacher and publish books or articles also.
Suppose this Jupiter falls into a Vishnu trimurti nakshatra, in your Navamsa’s ascendant, while your atmakaraka is in a Brahma nakshatra – well, Brahma and Vishnu are what create the auspicious marriage that makes spiritual teachers, and their works are often true, genuine and rich in knowledge, meant to last a long time and bring forth the real knowledge.
You may be more of a private person, and may not even ever want to be “out there”, but with such a strong Jupiter and trimurti, the time period will come where your talents and gifts and skills and all knowledge you hold and have earned through your hard work for life times will need to be shown to others – and it will.
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Cover art of the Trimurti and Tridevi. Brahma and Saraswati (left), Vishnu and Lakshmi (middle), and Shiva and Parvati (right), Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.