The Mustard Seed, and the Gospel of Thomas

The Mustard Seed, and the Gospel of Thomas

Today we’ll explore the mysticism and spiritual teachings about oneness and unity from the Gospel of Thomas, also known as the Secret or Hidden Teachings of the Living Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas is a non-canonical sayings gospel, featuring 114 sayings of Jesus,...
The Moon, Cave of Your Heart and Spiritual Wisdom

The Moon, Cave of Your Heart and Spiritual Wisdom

~ come into the moongarden beloved,my roses would love to see you ~ With our upcoming bright, high and beautiful full Moon in Cancer, also known as the Wolf Moon, let’s today dive into the mysticism of this zodiac. Last time I shared with you how the Moon and...
Mars and Venus, Allegory of Peace

Mars and Venus, Allegory of Peace

In this gentle allegory of peace by Louis Jean François Lagrenée, created around 1770, Mars, the Roman god of War, gently pulls back the rich green bed curtains that frame the scene. As the drapery parts, the morning light spills in to reveal the form of the sleeping...
The Love Story between a Monk and a Nun

The Love Story between a Monk and a Nun

~ a drop of true love becomes us the ocean that soul love is ~  The simplest of ways to speak of the difference between true love and all that which isn’t true, is that if you were to become kinder, more compassionate, more sensitive, more generous, more...
On Generosity, Gratitude, and Entitlement’s Cost

On Generosity, Gratitude, and Entitlement’s Cost

In a world where we are often taught to fear “the other”, and highlight the many differences which separate us, I believe it is more important now than ever to also highlight all the things that bind us – our common wishes, hopes and all that makes...
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