I was recently asked a question, and thought that today we can unfold the situation together as it may apply to many people and be of benefit. Dear Lubomira, My son has been having a hard time lately and I am constantly getting calls from his teacher about his...
This is part of my folklore + myth series “The Story Threads” where we look at various tales, lore and myth, remembering the wisdoms they hold, and how they can whisper us into more love, more light, more insight in our every day lives. Previously, we’ve discussed The...
There is an old Native American tale – the tale of two wolves fighting. It is a tale of great insight and great meaning. An old Cherokee decided to teach his grandson a great wisdom, so he sat him down and said: “There is a terrible fight within me, my...
Today I was reading about the Buddhist monks and remembered how the only possession that they are allowed to have is their alms or what people call “begging bowls”. Every day they’d go to near village and collect donations in their alms, as people...