Our natal charts are essentially a spiritual study of all that which has been consumed by time. The stars, the moon, the planets, the constellations, are all only great indicators of the signs of time – of how time consumes us and how things are woven into the cosmic...
~ Devotion is the veil through which awareness shows its beautiful face. ~ Devotion can sometimes be regarded as some grand thing, high-minded and even abstract, reserved for those of monastic living and religious practices. But it is often found in an ordinary day in...
The South Node, or Ketu, says “I don’t know”, because only then it gives itself the chance to actually know something for real. Only when we begin with the openness of the “I don’t know”, the doorways of the real knowing open for us...
As I was browsing through my photography archives this morning, I came across this photo that I had taken of these two beautiful butterflies mating in union and harmony. The more I look at it the more it looks like palms opening, a chalice holding within itself the...
Why do we love the people we love? Why do we feel inevitably pulled towards someone? Is there love at first sight? How are destiny, fate and karma woven into our human relationships? All of our relationships in this life have the potential to become meaningful...