The North Node entered Pisces, and will transit here for the next year and a half. Moving from cardinal fire to mutable water, i.e. North Node shifting from Aries to Pisces, may often cause a burst of water waves in one direction. On the day our cosmic artist and...
~ in the you of you is the me of me, in us of us is love ~ As a significator of love and relationships, Venus often shows us how she’ll bless us through the relationships we experience in life and the gifts we’ll receive through what we commit to. If you...
~ come into the moongarden beloved,my roses would love to see you ~ With our upcoming bright, high and beautiful full Moon in Cancer, also known as the Wolf Moon, let’s today dive into the mysticism of this zodiac. Last time I shared with you how the Moon and...
In this gentle allegory of peace by Louis Jean François Lagrenée, created around 1770, Mars, the Roman god of War, gently pulls back the rich green bed curtains that frame the scene. As the drapery parts, the morning light spills in to reveal the form of the sleeping...
I previously shared with you what the Rose of Venus was, and the depth of insights that you may gain through understanding your natal Venus cycles in my article The Rose of Venus, and your Natal Venus Love Cycles. So if you haven’t read that please refer to it...