On Patience

On Patience

Patience is a mark of truest love. Patience deepens love over time. When we open to patience like a flower, we enter the soul of matter. We marry the little strings, and together they tie and they bond, and show us how everything is connected and imbued with spirit....
What True Love Really Is

What True Love Really Is

You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen. ~ Ernest Hemingway The great theologian and philosopher, Augustine once defined love as “Amo: Volo Ut Sis”. Translated from Latin, this means “I Love: I Will That You Are”. What this statement...
The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

The Dandelion Girl: Love Transcends Time

“The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you” The Dandelion Girl by Robert F. Young Love is a sense of being; it is everything. It weaves and spreads and weaves beneath the ground, pulling the souls of our feet, until one...
The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving

Here I am, with Van Gogh’s “Starry Night Over the Rhône.” I’ve always loved art, though I admit that I usually stroll through the gallery rooms rather quickly. It’s a seeking. A restless seeking until the moment something grabs me, and I am consumed by it. Today, I...
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