The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

The Three Things Each Relationship Needs

When two worlds meet, they touch, they kiss, and we find that love is not only felt in the hearts, it is known by the hands also. Soul kisses soul on the lips, and of their love a third soul is born: the soul of the relationship. There is you, there is me, and then...
Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House

Atmakaraka Moon in the 3rd House

“dressed in the perfume of the moon’s clairvoyance, i unveil you” ~ Moonhold by Lubomira Kourteva Having your atmakaraka Moon in your natal 3rd house is a really interesting placement, with the potential of carrying and embodying a beautiful and...
The Path of Bhakti, Devotion and Love

The Path of Bhakti, Devotion and Love

~ Devotion is the veil through which awareness shows its beautiful face. ~ Devotion can sometimes be regarded as some grand thing, high-minded and even abstract, reserved for those of monastic living and religious practices. But it is often found in an ordinary day in...
Zen Story, The melody of your life and the people you meet

Zen Story, The melody of your life and the people you meet

As I was browsing through my photography archives this morning, I came across this photo that I had taken of these two beautiful butterflies mating in union and harmony. The more I look at it the more it looks like palms opening, a chalice holding within itself the...
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