The Blessings of Imperfection

The Blessings of Imperfection

A while back I wrote about the Virtues of Simplicity, and today we’ll speak about another human hand held within the divine hand that holds us all: imperfection. I call it a blessing – because the spiritual blessing of imperfection is that it makes us...
On the Misconception of Detachment

On the Misconception of Detachment

The only genuinely spiritual people I’ve ever met all have warm hearts, loving hearts. Because the soul is a warm thing, and it resides in the heart – this is its home. Such people don’t need to be categorized as spiritual, they don’t have...
The Many Ways We Love

The Many Ways We Love

Compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience, generosity, playfulness, joy, creativity, giving, holding, trust, faith, forgiveness, intentional listening, non judgment and selflessness are all just various shapes and form of love, various speeds and movements of love....
Everything you wish to receive, you must give to others first

Everything you wish to receive, you must give to others first

A relationship is like an ocean – when one partner goes through the big waves, the other is there calmer holding their hand, and when the other is then taken by the waves, the first is now there to hold them calmly. But no matter the waves, no matter the winters...
All the Spiritual Paths

All the Spiritual Paths

Any spiritual path, if you devote to it with integrity and purity of heart, can be your spiritual path leading you to God. All spiritual paths are just like different languages, but they will all inevitably lead you to the same greater truth. Devotion is the veil...
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