What Gratitude Really Means

What Gratitude Really Means

Welcome, dear reader, from our beautiful lilac bushes! Today we’ll talk about a very important word: gratitude. It’s one of the foundational stones upon which a lot of spirituality and the virtures are based upon. Just like we talked about presence and...
Human Design: Understanding the Lines through a Walk in the House

Human Design: Understanding the Lines through a Walk in the House

As I browse through the beauty of Claude Monet, and his house and gardens in Argenteuil in the suburbs of Paris, France, I thought what I wonderful opportunity to share with you my guidance on how to understand the lines in human design through the house analogy, and...
The Path of the Mystic

The Path of the Mystic

The path of the mystic is a secret path, a silent path, a path of carrying one own’s lantern; it is a path of purity of heart, clarity of mind, sincerity in action.  The true mystic is the one who lives within the consciousness of the high heart, and roams the...
On Presence, and Not Hurrying

On Presence, and Not Hurrying

As I was browsing art today, I came across this beautiful photography by Nina Leen titled the Courage Test; and I thought what a great opportunity to write about the importance of presence and not hurrying – because this is what it looks like. It looks like...
The Virtues of Simplicity

The Virtues of Simplicity

While simplicity isn’t a virtue of itself, it is actually that which holds all others – it encompasses all virtues within itself, moves like air through them and ties them with a wind, a breeze, and holds them as if with a gentle hand. Simplicity...
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