As a spiritual astrologer, I use the tropical zodiac for delineating natal charts and stay rooted in the Western astrology system, but as part of my holistic practice I blend various techniques from other systems such as Vedic, Shamanic, and Esoteric. As a mystic, spiritual guide and intuitive, I follow my intuitive flow and use my background in mysticism and esoteric studies during readings. And as a lover of astronomy, who has also studied astronomy in university for a while, I’ve deepened my practice through the celestial awareness of astronomical constellations, fixed stars and lunar mansions, which naturally are sidereal based. While my practice may seem unconventional to some, this is what resonates with me as truth, and what I have found to work best with clients during my over ten year professional astrology practice.

Today we’ll dive into the topic of the difference between the tropical and sidereal, and why I personally use the tropical zodiac for delineating natal charts, as well as the importance of the 3rd and 9th axis for the path of spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

Firstly, please know that Vedic is not synonymous with sidereal; sometimes people say “my Vedic darakaraka is …” but what they are actually referring to is their sidereal. Vedic is the system, while sidereal is the calculation for delineating a chart. There are a growing number of Vedic astrologers who have began deriving charts using the tropical zodiac. Many Vedic astrologers have incorporated Western techniques such as the outer planets, and many Western astrologers have incorporated Vedic techniques such as the use of the karakas and nakshatras. It was a practice thousands of years ago BC for astrologers from around the world to share knowledge and wisdom, and I am happy that people are more open minded nowadays also. 

Each practitioner chooses their own way, hopefully based upon years of professional practice and knowledge gained and independent research, and while many like arguing on what’s the right one, which mainly comes from ego than anything else, I have no intention on perpetuating separatist mentalities arguing about this. As a professional astrologer, who always keeps studying and expanding also, I’ve come to see how all are paths, and if you have a deep knowledge in, and actually truly understand what astrology is at its essence, you’ll see the common threads.

There is a saying that true mystics do not debate points of doctrine, dogma nor quibbling words; true mystics speak of the essence of something, focus on the movement and immerse themselves in a deepening and experiencing. Mysticism may sound like an esoteric word, or too esoteric, but it is a path of action, it is a movement, an experience; it is prayers with open eyes as much as closed eyes, it is both an inner and outer path. In a similar way, the wise astrologer doesn’t argue on dogmas and zodiacs saying things like, “Vedic is the real astrology, or Western is, etc.” but rather, the wise astrologer knows what technique works best and when, and knows how to apply their wisdom and knowledge in appropriate ways for the benefit of the client’s path and soul growth.

Tropical versus Sidereal

The tropical zodiac is based upon the Sun’s longitudinal relationship to the Earth, while the sidereal bases the measurement of the signs from certain fixed stars. In this way, you may understand tropical as a relationship dynamic, which at its core is the earth (the little place where we currently live!) looking towards the solar consciousness of self realization.

In America, Europe and in ancient Greece, Persia and Egypt, the tropical zodiac is and was always used. To think of its calculation more visually, it basically measures 12 portions of 30 degrees each beginning from the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. The Vernal Equinox is the point where the Sun crosses the equator on its way North, and as such, this is the first day of Spring and is 0 degrees Aries. When the Sun is at its farthest northern point and begins to move South, then it is the Summer Solstice and the Sun is at 0 degrees of Cancer. And so, for example, is you are 24 degrees Aries Sun, this basically means that the Sun is 54 degrees North of the celestial equator (30 degrees Aries + 24 Taurus). As such, the tropical zodiac is based upon the Sun’s longitudinal relationship to the Earth.

On the other hand, the sidereal zodiac is made up of 30 degree portions beginning with the nakshatra of Ashwini as measured from certain fixed stars. Since astrologers use different fixed stars to determine the first point of Sidereal Aries, we have different Ayanamshas, which is why you will not necessarily have the same degrees and dashas with all sidereal calculations, and there are variations on which one is used as a starting point. Essentially though, the sidereal zodiac bases the measurement of signs on the fixed stars, as opposed to measuring signs from the relationship of the Sun to the earth as in the tropical zodiac.

Astronomical constellations are not the same as the zodiac, even though they share a name . If all the stars above someday were not seen, you’d still have a tropical zodiac – because you can look at where the Sun is, you can then touch the soil beneath your feet – is spring coming. Many of the fixed stars we see in our sky are no longer technically even there anymore; it’s been hundreds of thousands of years they’ve been gone, yet they still shine in our sky because we’re light years away, and “time takes time”.

The tropical zodiac is essentially a relationship dynamic between us here as our earth and the Sun; and the Sun is often described as our solar consciousness or path towards self realization. So when you study spiritual astrology or Shamanic astrology for example, it is very nature based, focusing on the interconnection of all and everything, connecting the material and spiritual, the soil we walk on, the horizons above, and the timing of the land, the cycles of humanity.

In this way, at the core of the tropical zodiac, and Western astrology, is the acknowledgment of free will and the path of self realization, of the individual moving towards greater consciousness and awareness. As I believe in free will, the tropical zodiac is what I follow and Western thought is at the core of my practice, though my practice is my unique blend of mysticism, esoteric knowledge and studies and blending many techniques from Vedic (Jyotish), Shamanic and Esoteric astrology.

I’ve studied all these systems and have found a way to blend them in my practice, which I believe deepens it greatly. There are many other reasons why I use the tropical zodiac for delineating charts, going back to thousands of years ago BC, you can do your own research on how there is evidence that this was the original zodiac for astrologers worldwide; but essentially, this is what resonates with me and aligns with me and practice most deeply. As I said, it is up to you, what you resonate with, and your own deeper knowledge and professional experience with clients.

But for those who are interested in the sidereal, the one thing to remember is that there isn’t just one way of calculating it – there are quite a few. This is because, as I mentioned above, sidereal astrologers may use different fixed stars to determine the first point of sidereal Aries, and so there are different Ayanamshas. Depending on which one the astrologer uses, you may have slightly different degrees, and different mahadashas also.

At the core of Vedic astrology, or more precisely Jyotish, is that this is a study of karma; your natal chart, your planets and stars and constellations are measurements of time – it is all time has already consumed. It’s a beautiful practice, which is why there are many techniques from Vedic astrology which I love and apply in my practice, but because of my personal ethics and belief in free will, the Western system is at the core of my practice.

I love using nakshatras, which means lunar mansions, and this is a Vedic technique; I’ve been studying them for many years and they deepen my practice in many ways. These are essentially deity personifications of fixed stars and asterisms within our sky. For example, the Rohini nakshatra is the deity personification of the fixed star Adelbaran from the celestial Taurus constellation.

Naturally, even though I use the tropical zodiac for the natal chart, I keep nakshatras at their sidereal, because they are connected to the fixed stars. They are based on the Vedic philosophy and seen as deified beings living within the heavenly realm; and as such, they are star based and are, in my opinion, appropriately represented through a sidereal zodiac.

Like I said above, I love astronomy and have studied it for a while, and I do truly believe that astronomy knowledge and mathematical knowledge both deepen your astrology understanding and interpretation. Celestial awareness deepens us, and nurtures and strengthens our own connection not just within ourselves but also to the world above us and around us. The planets aren’t just bodies in the sky, they are aspects within us and also parts of nature, so it inspires us to see the interconnections and fall into a deeper union.

The fixed stars within constellations, such as Sirius or Pollux or Regulus or the Beehive star cluster and all others star clusters in our sky are certainly purposeful and insightful to any reading, but in my professional practice I’ve seen it over and over again how actually perfectly it all aligns each time with the tropical zodiac, especially when we dive deeper into the native’s consciousness evolution and path of life.

The Modalities of the Signs

The modalities of the signs are important to understand in astrology, because it shows you quite clearly how they are related to the intertwined movement and relationship between the Sun and our earth.

In the tropical zodiac, the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are cardinal, and in sidereal these are called movable, which is essentially carrying or interpreted in the same way by sidereal astrologer – i.e. cardinal and movable signs are energies about direction of change and initiation. But – that doesn’t make sense in sidereal, because these movements or modalities, such as fixed, cardinal and mutable, are essentially connected to the Sun.

It is the beginning of an equinox that creates the change of direction and initiation, which is connected to our earth and our experience here also, and essentially, to the cycles of the land within and externally, to our bodies, natural rhythms and flow of energy also, as these are all interconnected. So naturally, all cardinal signs begin at the equinox, not before it, as this is the energy it aligns to.

In a similar way, the fixed signs show when the Sun is being more steadfast on its course as we perceive it from earth; and the mutable signs reflect an energy when the Sun loses some of its perceived momentum as it is getting ready for a new beginning with the coming equinox, i.e. the energy is becoming more fluid to allow a change. Just food for thought. But you need to understand that sidereal and tropical interpretations for the “signs or rashis” cannot be the same, and it’s not merely about calculations.

Personally, as I approach astrology from a spiritual perspective, and believe our unique inner wildlands are connected to the outer ones, believing in our deep intertwined connection, alignment and continuous relationship to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realities, the tropical zodiac is and always was what resonates with me and works best in my professional practice with clients on their paths of soul growth and evolution. As I use Shamanic astrology techniques in my practice, which are very earth, soul and nature relationship based, as well as human design, which is about our body rhythm and natural flow of energy, the tropical zodiac is what they align to.  

Our world is often so divided, and there is a lot of non-sense and egos, so may we just not lose focus of the essence of things. There is always something to learn, to evolve from and to deepen into. When we seek more deeply, we will see the common threads uniting, and wisdom reveals itself to us more brightly, thereby contributing to our unity. Choose whatever practice or zodiac or astrology system resonates with you and devote to it, but aways keep your minds open to learning as this is how expansion happens.

The Importance of the 3rd and 9th Axis: The Path to Greater Wisdom

The 9th house holds the wisdom of the divine – it is the house of light, heaven, divine wisdom, high spiritual knowledge, and the development of our spiritual body – it is the house of grace. The path to it is the 3rd house of effort, research, open mind and willingness and ability to learn and evolve; to walk the path not just talk it.

Wisdom often reveals itself not through books but through the doing, the tending to something; it is a relationship that opens us through our movement and the way our feet touch the soil. It isn’t stagnant, it evolves, and we too need to keep an open mind and research and be willing not to be stuck in dogmatic thinking, because this limits true higher knowledge. Devotion is the veil through which awareness shows its beautiful face; and knowledge is often found in nature, but you need to have the eyes and mind to see it and receive it.

I would encourage practitioners, and seekers and students also, to not resist learning and expanding; the 3rd house is actually the house of free will, because it is something we choose to do but will require effort and movement on our part. Question things, dig deeper, keep an open mind. All evolves in life, and techniques too evolve, and interpretations too must evolve to meet the evolution of the human consciousness. It’s a moving thing.

The 3rd house also rules part of our deep intuition, which is why in ancient astrology it was called the moon temple of the priestess, where she evolves her intuition through inner work and effort and dedication to open the communication channel to the divine – because – the 9th house was the called then the house of god and heaven. This is why people with 3rd house moons usually have a lot of intuitive understanding and said to have been divine messengers in past lives or psychics or astrologers; and why the 3rd house itself is about communication, knowledge and rules part of the night where it’s darkest and quietest outside i.e. the part of night where also we are connected to our deeper sleep and subconscious and unconscious, where we may receive messages.

This is why as mystics we say “God is an alive thing,” not something limited to books, dogmatic thinking and stagnant forever. The 3rd and 9th axis reminds us this of higher knowledge and consciousness evolution also: it is a moving thing, alive thing, ever expanding. The Truth, the one with the capital T, will reveal itself one day, and yes, it is one and only, but the path to it is through these axis, which is why they are called the axis of the quest for truth and knowledge. With sincere effort of our 3rd house, the truth and grace of our 9th will be revealed, so that we serve others in more ways. 

Final notes:

As spiritual workers we are meant to stay rooted in our spiritual ethics, which means non judgment blended with compassion, reverence with ethics, and keeping our discernment with clarity of mind while also remaining in pure heart and connected to spirit. Our work is essentially to serve god; and with clients, you are serving the temple of god within them.

You may be sometimes in a position to counsel people with difficult charts and situations, but you are still serving the temple of god within them, regardless of whether that god is a sleeping one or an awakened one. Don’t judge people for where they are in life or their path. Don’t cite old texsts or apply old limited interpretations from books written in the dark ages; if someone starts telling you that you have curses from past lives and karmas, I’d advise you to reconsider and look elsewhere. And there is no such thing as malefic or benefic planets neither; we are not meant to villainize anything, it’s all aspects meant to be understood and integrated. Just like any relationship outside of us, there are also the internal relationships, so when you understand the needs of a planet, aspect, movement or energy, you can work through it for your highest good.

As spiritual practitioners we are meant to show light through our knowledge and wisdom. Intend grace on others, illuminate to your clients what needs to be known for their highest good and how to navigate their path ahead. Use your knowledge and wisdom to support them through the twists and turns, and to show their light rather than perpetuate their dark. Categorizations and absolutism only feed separation further, and in a world already so divided, may we inspire to find what unites us not just within but also as humanity.

There are worlds within us, stars and wildlands and constellations and rhythms; and when these worlds are married of love, as we reconnect to our heart and inner lantern of wisdom, we can make outer worlds of love also.

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For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.

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The cover art is by Sandro Botticelli, Nascita di Venere, The Birth of Venus, circa 1485.

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