We are here to build love, contain love, emit love.
The heart is the seed of the soul. Our soul is of the spark of the divine. We are meant to grow our seed of love within the church of our heart and embody the love for the betterment of humanity. We are meant to light that inner flame, awaken the inner lantern of wisdom, and open the curtains, so that the light shines upon others. Intend grace on others. Show them light, be the light walker.
There is a lot of fear mongering in our world, a lot of doom and gloom, and now is not the time to fall into the rabbit holes. Now is your time to show up in the your presence of the light and love, so that others too are inspired to light their inner flames that will guide them forward.
We are not here to “become” spiritual, we already are; we are here to awaken this wisdom within us and then apply it in our human relationships. We should be spiritual in all aspects in our life; not just in meditation, not just when we “feel like it”, not just when we post so-called wisdom on little squares on instagram or tik tok etc. Our spiritual self should expand in all areas of our life and it shows through the way we engage and interact and participate with the world around us.
The truth is that the hearts of many people are blocked, and they are “spiritual” and “love and light” only when conversations or people serve them and their own self interests or perspectives. It’s sad that society is still so lacking in true compassion, empathy and with being human. The only real and genuinely spiritual people that I’ve ever met all were full of love and compassion, not just sometimes but always. They had warm hearts. They had big generous open loving hearts.
Love too isn’t a sometimes or when it fits us or when we feel like it, it is an always. Love comes in various shapes and forms, different speeds and movements. It unfolds through our compassion, joy, creativity, tenderness, patience, grace, forgiveness, kindness, intentional listening, holding of hands, laughter, trust, faith, commitment, devotion, loyalty and humbleness.
Love is not mere air, though it is a consciousness and a state of being; love is not a stone to be adored and only looked at like a beautiful temple; love is not the rosy clouds far up there unreachable. Love is like bread. It is meant to be made and remade each morning, each day, made anew. Love is meant to be embodied through our every day words, hands and seemingly ordinary gestures along the circling staircases of life.
There is a soul song within you dancing you and singing you, longing for you to become the song itself. Each one of us has our own unique song, tune, it is unmistakable and unique – there is only one of you. This is your core vibration. As you peel the layers off your bark of outdated beliefs and limits and conditioning, you release the fragrance of your true essence and you align to your core vibration.
We all have our own unique talents, gifts and skills. Don’t think they should be grand or seen on only the big world stages. You may have light in your hands in the way you make dinner for your loved ones; you may keep your house clean so that clarity of mind lives more freely. You may have spiritual gifts such as the gift of wisdom or the gift of discernment; or the gift of charity and the generous heart – so through your support of others they are able to live better and continue their work and livelihood, and this contributes to the consciousness of more togetherness in our world.
You may have emotional and spiritual gifts and know how to love. You may know how to hold space for someone with non-judgment and know how to truly listen and show up for them, which makes them feel acceptance and soul soothing. You may have the beauty of heart’s eyes to see the real beauty and show it to others, so that they feel encouraged and expand their own ability to see. You may know how to speak true love, hold love, walk love.
You may have creative talents also such as writing, dancing, painting, music; and through your expression of them you infuse love into the world. For example, people often learn to be more empathic through reading books in their life because they are able to put themselves in the shoes of another and see the world through their eyes, understanding things they haven’t before by traveling through the worlds of another.
Whatever talents and gifts and skills you have you need to express them because they come from your higher self, soul and true essence. Our gifts, talents and skills are meant to serve others for their betterment.
Joy is the language of our heart, so look to where what you do gives you that feeling of joy, expansion in your self and happiness! We are here to give expression to love through whatever talents, gifts and skills we have, and know thyself comes first. When we know ourselves, we can be more willing and able to step into our true self; and when we are true to ourselves we are able to love more deeply and truly, and to see the truth in others also. When we know ourselves, we can feel deeper fulfillment in all areas of our life because we would choose more consciously and authentically, and we would be centered in our truth of heart.
Your talents, gifts and skills are meant to be danced for others; they are meant to shine and be expressed and embodied through you for the betterment of others. When you write a book, you dance for others; when you cook a meal, you dance for others; when you nurture, you dance for others; and then all others may begin to dance in their own unique ways also. Miracles begins with human moments.
Everything in life is a relationship. We are in a continuous relationship with all around us and within ourselves. We are in a relationship with our inner self and all of our cells and organs and how we speak to ourselves and the relationship to our faith and beliefs and morals and core values. We are in a relationship to other people, to nature and to wildlife; and our feet too are in a relationship to the very streets upon which we walk each day. The way we treat the external is an extension of our inner relationship; and this is why it all starts from within. Know thyself, to love others more consciously.
Life is a privilege. It is a great gift to be born. All your cells, all stars and all prayers of your family came together to say yes to you, yes to life, so that you are born; so that you have hands with which to hold your loved ones’ hands, to have nose to smell the beautiful flowers and apples; to have eyes to see the beauty; to have feet to touch and feel the sands and cobblestone streets; to have lips to speak love.
And when we speak love we embody angels on earth. The language of angels is love and love only, because it is only ever love. When we walk a kindness and patience of rhythm we are love; when compassion becomes we are love, and each time love becomes us we are angels on earth. No gesture is too small when it is of a loving heart. We are here to hold each other, raise each other, lift each other up.
As spiritual workers we serve God and humanity. When we work with a client we serve the temple of God within them. It may a sleeping God, or an awakened God within them, but nonetheless we are there to show light not darkness. We are here to show them the good within them, the potential, their light through our knowledge and wisdom, so that they can shine their inner flames and hopefully take their key to step into their dharmic paths and embody their soul songs.
Intend grace onto people. Be a light walker, not just a seed. Show the wisdom of the heart and that love is the most powerful and only land that matters.
Learn to love yourself in a way that eventually allows you to expand this love and compassion onto others, onto your neighbour. Learn to love yourself in a way that expands your awareness beyond the limitations of your body, so that you can embrace and include another’s wellbeing as your own.
And be a warm heart. Keep your heart, and keep it warm. Don’t allow your inner self be changed nor swayed nor tainted by things not yours.
Be a loving heart and see the good in others, not at the expense of your own wellbeing of course, but choose love not fear; and whenever you can help and support someone, do so. The true love within, the divine love, is an infinite well, so being generous will not take away from you – it will only grow you and expand you. Because love expands us.
Plant seeds of love along the way and the fragrance of those flowers will scent the worlds of those who walk these paths after you. When we infuse love into our art our art becomes love. When we show someone grace and kindness, and hold their hands with grace and kindness, their hands will scent of this for long after we’ve unheld them, and hopefully, they will touch others’ hands with it.
Purity of heart, clarity of mind, sincerity in action – may these be the three you hold within you and walk with. The kingdom of heaven is within you as the saying is, because it is – it is your heart. So keep it warm, and use your wisdom, higher knowledge and true light to shine light onto others also. You are the lamp you choose to be.
For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings.
Cover photograph by me of our beautiful wild roses.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.
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