Compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience, generosity, playfulness, joy, creativity, giving, holding, trust, faith, forgiveness, intentional listening, non judgment and selflessness are all just various shapes and form of love, various speeds and movements of love.
While love is a consciousness and beingness within us, it isn’t like air; it is like bread, because it is meant to be made and remade each morning, each day. Love is meant to be embodied through our words, hands and gestures in our every day, and we are meant to build it within us and then emit it and embody it and apply its wisdom in our relationships with others.
Love is an always, not sometimes; love is an always, not just when it’s a convenient time for me; love is a showing up and paying attention, not just if it fits me to do so or if it gives me something in return.
We love when we let go of our greed, and we open our palms to give to another. We love when we soften our skins, and our hearts, and we open ourselves to stay kind and respectful towards those whose perceptions may not be as ours.
We love when we cook a meal and make tea for our loved one, and when we help them cut the watermelon. We love when we sing, dance and play, because our joy helps another soften their boundaries and they may experience some joy also.
We love when we hold hands, and when we listen, and we pay attention; because a love that pays attention is a love that is alive.
We love when we are curious and show someone a curious path forward which opens their energy and eyes of wonder – when we are kind to nature and animals, when we are playful and say to our loved ones “hey let’s play a game!”
We love when we are able to kneel and help a little creature, an animal, and have compassion for all those who may not speak our language nor understand us nor even be able to say thank you – and yet we still love, we still reach our hands.
We love when we reach our hands across the lines that separate us and attempt to dissolve the boundaries between us; when even if something believes something different from us, we may still reach our hands across the lines, and ask them to share with us; and then, we sit, listen and learn.
We love when we open ourselves to perceive something different or unknown to ourselves, because love asks of us an expansion within us, an expansion of consciousness, because true genuine compassion too can only happen as a result of expansion of consciousness.
We love when we are grateful for what we’ve received whether physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. And love is when we’ve received to give back in turn, because love supports those who nourish our hearts, expand our minds with knowledge, soothes our soul. When we read something that we love and helps us, we embody love when we are grateful to that person who wrote it and give something of ourselves to them also; we support them also so that they can continue to do their work. Because to love is to support and to engage by giving of ourselves to another also; otherwise it is taking, not loving.
We love when we walk a patience of rhythm, a kindness of hands and a grace of movements.
We love when we turn off our phones and look into the eyes of someone and say, “How are you?”
We love when we say goodnight, we love when we say good morning, we love when we put a warm blanket on someone who needs it.
We love with hands, love is hands. Love is our hands in the soil planting seeds and then nourishing them, and allowing the sun’s hands to touch it also. Love is our hands who are patient enough and wise – knowing the cycles of the land; because if we push seeds into the frozen ground in winter, flowers will not grow.
Love is our tending to and caring for another with hands and with love – when our hands become the love, our words becomes the love, our body’s movements becomes the love – and we tend to the soils and the spaces to nourish a space into which someone can be their true self, knowing they will be received without judgment. Because a rose is a rose is a rose, and she needs to be who she is; and love is freedom, allowing another person to be their true self.
Love creates the freedom for another to bloom as they need; because love is acceptance. Love wills you to be as your true self. Love says I love your mere presence in my life, I want the best for you. We love when we give to another what they need, not what we think they need or what we want to receive in turn.
Love is when we see what’s missing while still showing you what’s still there, what’s still beautiful; but love is when we’ll hold hands, holding on holding strong, because to love a face smile is to love it just as much as when it is sad or teary eyed.
We love when we take care of ourselves – because our body does its best each day to hold us through it all no matter how we speak to it. We love when we keep our house clean and tidy, because the external is a extention of our internal.
We love when we honour our heart’s desires and inner truth, and use our skills, talents and gifts to contribute to others. We love when we follow the joy – and we take a chance on our ourselves, and we invest in ourselves, because joy is the language of our heart and it guides us.
We love when we pray, when we trust and when we surrender to the greater divine; when we trust that we are not meant to control it all and let the rivers of life and God’s hands hold us also.
We love when we choose to trust – to trust ourselves, one another, the divine and its mysteries, and to trust that God and life itself will find its ways through the hands of others to give to us and help us when we need.
We love when we choose our humanity over greed, lust, selfishness, materialism, pride, anger and separation. We love when despite the divisions and fears, we choose love over and over again; we choose love over fear in our actions, and we choose humanity and staying human and humane.
We love when we light up the inner lantern and let that guide us, and we share its light with others also rather than just leaving it hidden in our own bedside. Because love is a light, and kindness and grace and love in all its forms is like the soul of a rose, whose fragrance will scent our hands for long after the petals unhold us. When we touch someone hands with our hands of kindness, theirs may touch others’ also; and maybe they will not, but what matters is how we touch.
We love when we choose to invest in our inner development and spend energy, resources and time towards our growth and expansion. We love when we honour ourselves with higher values and nice soft textures and fabrics; and when we value ourselves, so we choose to invest in ourselves and give to ourselves and our needs also.
We love when we walk a good, harmonious and health relationship with all; because everything in life is a relationship, and the streets upon which our feet walk is a relationship, and we are in a continuous relationship to all and within our bodies too all parts of us are in relationships.
We love when we respect others and show our respect through our gestures, we love when we open the door for someone and we do selfless deeds – because there is no love without selflessness.
We love when we do the right thing in life not because of likes or followers or someone’s validation to please our egos – we do the right thing when no one is watching because it’s the right thing.
We love when we don’t dishonour someone behind their back, and when we are willing to admit that just because we don’t agree with someone’s decisions or perspectives that doesn’t mean we should turn against them. We love when we leave with peace and kindness.
We love when we are humble because humility is the bridge to God and love; and when we can be humble enough to know that while we’ll never know it all with our conditioned human minds and limited understandings, we may still choose to trust and have faith and be a good person.
We love when we are truthful and honest with ourselves and don’t lead people on; we love when we act of integrity and we are trustworthy.
We love when we have boundaries and don’t allow someone to cross the sacredness and privacy of our family and loved ones. Because love isn’t just a sweet gentle thing, love is a powerful light that discerns truth from false and protects those in its kingdom, its home of heart and hearth.
We love when we are wise enough to have an awakened heart and discern truth from false, and are not tempted by our weaknesses – when we are devoted to a higher path of living, to our dharma, and so we follow its moral compass. Because love is a moral compass. Love doesn’t shine less for others’ need for validation; and love’s light doesn’t depend on others’ opinions nor change itself and essence because of others.
Love is truth. Love is wisdom. Love is a relationship with our awakened heart.
For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings.
Cover photograph by me of our beautiful wild roses.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.
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