There’s a lot of separation and division in our world, and in such times, the natural inclination of human nature is to widen the distances and separations even further; separating itself from itself and from others even more. Emotions pile up, disappointments pile up, me-against-you mentality sharpens, holier-than-thou ego rises, and this all leads to disconnection and conflict, and losing ourselves from ourselves and our higher path.
The current transit of Mars opposite Pluto has intensified these divisions and many people may be feeling their worlds or perceived realities a bit shaken up. Perhaps even your hope for humanity’s pathway forward is shaken up. And we should remain mindful of these energies, so that we don’t react impulsively and don’t contribute towards more anger and separation.
The way humanity separates and divides itself is profoundly heartbreaking, yes that’s true. It is profoundly heartbreaking that we know what the higher path is yet still we are not able to actually walk it and embody the love, learn the love. It is profoundly heartbreaking to see the many divisions in our world and how we’ve lost our way to each other’s hearts. It is profoundly heartbreaking that our actions contradict our intentions; when are we going to finally make a decision to evolve and try to spiritually mature?
There is much hypocrisy and extremism and bias in our current climate, with people who say how hurt or unfair someone was to them and then turn around and do the same to another person. The lack of self awareness is brought to the surface to be seen now, and as sad as it is to see people’s inability to still not see, we must keep the light in our heart; our inner flame no matter how flickering we must keep it and protect it, and our hands soft we must keep also.
While we long and yearn for unity, if we wait for it to happen externally it may not happen any time soon or even ever at all. But if we truly desire to foster unity I believe it begins with us; it begins in a very human way, with hands and our own free will and effort. It begins with us reaching our hands across the lines that separate us, and trying to find ways to dissolve the boundaries between us.
With the recent elections there’s been a lot of divisions, harshness, and with the Mars Pluto opposition there has been a lot of intense arguing on who is right and wrong, and all kinds of other separation mindsets, blaming, shaming and holier-than-thou narratives that lead to nowhere good nor productive. For example, astrologers are now arguing yet again on whose method or system is true, and you may have heard ego statements such as “Vedic is the real astrology”, or Western is, or, or, or. But that’s simply not true, it’s just a separationist mentality and a personal truth based on a perspective and view, rather than an objective truth.
If one understands astrology truly and wholly – its real essence – one would be able to see clearly that all systems can be right, because they’ll see clearly the threads of similarities and be able to reach the outcome through any pathway. And if one understands the spiritual nature of astrology one would see it isn’t about predictions and ego, it is about lighting the inner flame and growing spiritually, thereby embodying the light and walking the higher path. A real astrologer knows that as human beings we’ll never have all the answers, and the humility of this deserves to be treasured, because this is a humility that builds our bridge to the divine, respecting the mystery of life.
Going down the roads of who is right or wrong is ego based; and whether it is astrology, politics, philosophy or religion, this holier-than-thou mentality is essentially a separation mentality and will only lead us towards more separations, conflicts and arguments. And quite frankly, it is arrogant and ignorant of real knowledge; it is spiritually immature.
And this is how people forget their inner truth, and go astray their path. This is how we forget our humanity. This is how we limit our growth and expansion of knowledge.
So how about we choose a different way? Instead of continuing the separations, let us use our voice for good and purpose.
We can use our knowledge and insight to show the wisdoms of each system and technique that we’ve seen work through our experience; we can use our knowledge and insight to inspire one another towards greater expansion and wisdom and learning and evolving with compassion and kindness of rhythm.
We can hold each other, raise each other, life each other up. We can choose to build spaces that uplift and inspire, where fresh ideas and diverse approaches are welcomed.
We can redefine ideas or systems and shed light on approaches from a place of mutual respect and shared passion, and let our voices shape a better future. We can learn from one another and contribute towards sharing beauty and wisdom.
As a spiritual astrologer, I use a blend of techniques from various systems such as Western Modern, Evolutionary, Vedic, Esoteric, Shamanic and Hellenistic, in addition to my own spiritual knowledge, intuition and roots in esotericism. The path to my practice wasn’t merely learning just one system; astrology itself was a natural part of my mystic’s path, along which I developed my own practices while also diving into the studies from worldwide. After many years, I developed my own blend of what I found to be true and most aligned to the currenr evolution of consciousness and the real experiences with what I was seeing with clients also, and that’s my path. It is not the only path. Every practitioner has their own.
But what I can tell you is that all paths lead to Rome. All systems can be correct, just like all spiritual paths may lead you to God, as long as you remain in integrity and purity of heart. It’s just like different languages, and obviously with each language learning you may expand and enter into a new world and new understanding, but you can also just flow in your one language, whichever one resonates with you most, and this too, through your devotion, will enter you where you need.
If one understands the real essence of anything in life, then you’ll see how various paths may lead to the same. Back in the day I remember I’d test various systems to see how and where or if they’d interconnect, and through each of them I’d get to the same essence – and yet all the different paths were enriching as I’d see various layers unfold and learn from. This learning and experiential path for me as an astrologer now allows my clients to receive many nuances and layers through my readings for them, and see it from various perspectives, thereby also showing them how it all interconnected also. Holistic approaches inspire both more openness and togetherness.
What I love about Western Modern astrology is that it keeps free will at the center of the Western paradigm. Self awareness and self realization are the intentions here, and it is meant to be of that purpose – to offer people an opportunity for a deepening.
What I love about esoteric approaches through the lens of astrology is that it aligns with my own knowledge that I’ve gained on my mystic’s path; and I come from the spiritual understanding and practice of astrology, which is essentially about helping others expand in their consciousness and develop and nourish their inner connection to truth, heart and higher self.
What I love about Vedic systems and the Vedic philosophy is their understanding of time, because as a spiritual astrologer I too see the natal charts as a spiritual study of all that has been consumed by time. I love the nakshatras, or lunar mansions, because they play beautifully with my use of astronomy and celestial analysis; and I love the Navamsa chart, as I follow the path of dharma and guide my clients towards theirs, and I love using the atmakarakas and darakarakas, which provides my clients much depth of understanding.
I love Shamanic astrology too and have deepened in my own professional practice through it. I love its understanding of the interconnection of all, of how planets have their own living being and carry consciousness, how spirit is imbued in everything and it is my spiritual practice also to related the planets and energies through the connection with nature and wild life.
Any spiritual path, if we devote to it with integrity and purity of heart, will lead us in the right direction.
Twelve monks sat around an elephant, and each were to share what they saw. One described the trunk, the other the leg; one shared how the colour was light grey, and the other said no, it is a golden shade, as the sun was gently touching that part of the skin. So who was right? Was someone wrong? All are right simultaneously. They are describing the truth from their own vision and perspective – but the greater truth is one.
There is certainly one objective truth, but we may not see it through our sitting position or fixed angle. We often need to stand up, dust off, and take some steps back until we have the view wide enough to see the elephant. This starts with the humility that perhaps we are first seeing only one perspective, and then our self effort and free will to take the steps needed.
In astrology we see the importance of seeking truth and its right way very clearly through the 3rd and 9th axis – which is known as the axis for the quest for truth.
The 9th house is the higher truth, this is what we seek to know and move towards; and the path towards it is the 3rd house of self effort, research, free will and diverse knowledge. For people who are in positions of some influence where their voice and knowledge matters, these houses need to be of high integrity, so that they don’t fall into fixed ideas nor dogma – and they remain devoted to higher truth. But this axis matters for all individuals, because we all have voice and hands and free will.
The 9th house was known in the old days as the house of God – or higher truth; it is the place where boundaries dissolve and truth unveils itself to us when we are ready to see it; and the path to it is through the 3rd house, which is about our openness and willingness to learn and explore, and re-explore, and re-discover. It is about the courage of soul and commitment to higher truth, rather than our egos and need for validation or wanting to be right. The 3rd house is a movable house energy, which means it moves – it moves continuously and seeks and remain open to learning and expanding. It is of courage about discernment too, but discernment is a spiritual initiation which comes through spiritual maturity and wisdom. When you have walked the path enough, you’ll know what’s true and what isn’t.
The 3rd house is about effort – which is why the spiritual path is about effort and real commitment. In the old days when you’d go to a spiritual teacher to learn astrology or just as spiritual seeker, you’d spend years actually not being taught much; all you’d do is chop wood, carry water, i.e. doing chores and tasks, being in service to others and helping with the gardens or whatever the teacher needed you to. Sometimes years would go by – but what this is meant to do is prepare you to be able to absorb the knowledge; because to see and understanding something you need to have first created that space of awareness within you. So all this chop wood, carry water, was about devotion, through which you’d develop the qualities needed such as patience, humility, braving the weather and putting in the effort.
The 3rd house is about our human effort – it is about our human hands. It is about tending to the soils, within our inner lands and those external ones; and this is what opens us to the divine inspiration, wisdom and higher knowledge of the 9th. As anything in life, the two opposites must be balanced: we must balance the 9th house with the 3rd. Higher knowledge and grace must be balanced with dedication to self inquiry, research and one’s own efforts to find the truth. With sincere efforts, integrity and devotion, truth will be revealed. For astrologers and spiritual practitioners, it is especially important to stay away from dogmatic beliefs, literalism, fixed ways of thinking and unwillingness to learn and expand further, to stay open and do their own research. Astrologers must be committed to research and seeing how the systems evolve just as consciousness evolves.
The 9th house about distance, which is about time; and as I mentioned it holds within its house higher education, foreign travels, publishing and teaching, spirituality, and our dharma.
Higher education requires time. Foreign travel too takes time, because we need time to reach the foreign culture and land overseas. Publishing takes time – to research and write and publish the book or paper. The spiritual path takes devotion, which takes time. Our dharmic path is a life time, of devotion to a rightful living, with self discipline and making choices along the way.
The 9th house is about our higher purpose; and what guide us towards it is inspiration, which means to be in-spirited by something greater than us, by the spark of the divine. Inspiration causes faith, and grace soon follows.
And yet the path towards our purpose is a life path – not an overnight thing, not a job title thing, it is an ever weaving, woven by our hands, voice, efforts, footsteps and actions, which is our 3rd house of free will, skills and talents, and the courage of our soul keeping us grounded to the inner lantern and seek for truth and knowledge expansion.
The 3rd house also relates to the part of the night where we are deeply connected to our intuition and collective unconscious – to humanity, and from that we connect to the 9th house – the light of humanity, the intimacy with God and humanity, the human heart of love which is at the heart of humanity.
In times of division and separation people will naturally be moved towards widening that separation, and I know there is a lot of division now because of what’s happening with the elections; but it is especially important to stay grounded in such times, remembering who we must keep loyal to – which is our humanity.
It isn’t the leaders, the structures, the ideologies, the systems – it is our humanness and humanity, our heart and higher wisdom that we must keep loyal and devoted to. It is about trying out best to remain with kindness and respect, thereby contributing to fostering unity. We can’t allow ourselves be changed at our core and essence because of external circumstances. We have to keep loyal to our heart and who we are as human beings. We can’t let ourselves become someone or something we are not.
We have to remain loyal to who we are as humanity, in our love and service, because otherwise we’ll lose ourselves and be taken into a path not ours; a path which takes our vulnerability and lost vision, soothes our fears and insecurity, makes false promises and leads us astray. Building a strong spiritual core and not allowing your inner essence and humanity be changed is what leads us on the higher path always.
The world is changing; much can seem unstable and uncertain, and we don’t know where it’d go for certain. When we are afraid and feel the instability we may seek to tighten up the reigns and desire to give ourselves some sense of comfort in some knowing, predicting, in having control over something. But this can create further tension in our body and whole immune system, so what we can do instead is focus on where we’d like to plant seeds we want to grow.
If you have a great idea or inspiration to make your life healthier, better, happier, do it, take the steps. Do you have an amazing idea to contribute to others? Perfect! Roll up the sleeves and get to work; have the courage that the passion of your heart gives you. Be the one who will nourish the seeds for the flowers in spring, for the soil on which future generations will walk and build upon also; build togetherness, communities, space for ideas and openness which will inspire future generations when they feel they are ready to walk into or for when feel exhausted and need some solace. Devote to deepening your connection to yourself, nourishing your inner flames and strengthening your spiritual core.
Within the 9th house resides the light and the element of fire. A wick, a flame, an inner lantern, which then becomes a star for others also to feel inspired by. A gentle flame, no matter how small you think it may be, it illuminates, it enlightens, it inspires. This matters. Our voice matters also, so may it be of compassion and hope, because people need it.
The 9th house is our personal Northern star, but it is also us when we become stars for others, guiding them, giving them a gentle word of hope, encouragement, knowledge, a smile. What may seem like a small gesture, a small dot far in the sky is actually a point, a point of creation. Its light we may not even see yet or not even remember or not think much of it, but this point is a star; and this star is a sun for someone lighting their whole sky, whether in a day, a night, or a single moment of meaning, togetherness, hope and joy.
For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings.
Cover photograph by me.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.
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