A woman’s greatest power is subtle, it is quiet, it is immense; it is found in her ability to do nothing, to say “no” and to discern, because her energy is one of magnetic manifestation.
Let’s start with a parable.
When God was creating the woman an angel came to him and asked, “Why are you trying so hard?”
“There are a lot of things I need to do to make her as she truly is. A woman must have many moving parts, but at the same time move gracefully, have only two hands, but be able to hug many children simultaneously and know how to hug them in such a way as to take away all pain from them – and to the bruised knee, and the wounded soul. She must be able to heal herself when she is sick and work 18 hours a day.”
The angel was stunned, amazed and intrigued, and moved closer to see the woman being created. He touched her and exclaimed: “God, she is so fragile and tender!”
“Yes, she is,” God smiled gently, “But she is stronger than all I’ve created. No one can imagine what a woman can endure and overcome. She may appear fragile and vulnerable, but she holds immense power.”
“Will she be able to think?”, asked the angel.
“Oh, of course. She’ll not only be able to think, she’ll know how to discern and use her knowledge to apply it in relevant ways – she’ll have the ability to know true wisdom and touch people’s souls and hearts, to move them on the right path.”
The angel again approached and touched the woman’s face, “But there is a flaw here – why is her cheek wet?”
“No, this is not a flaw. These are tears. They will express her grief, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride.”
The angel was even more fascinated and amazed, “My God, you thought of everything. The woman is truly amazing! And so beautiful …”
“Yes, she truly is, in all ways. There is a power in her that will be admired by all the people on earth who have the eyes to truly see. She will be able to laugh when she feels like crying. She’ll smile when she’s in trouble. And she will be able to help others when she herself needs help … And just one look from her will do what no one else can do …”
The angel was speechless with admiration and wonder. And then the Lord sighed sadly,
“But there’s something I can’t give her … Something that is up to her because I can’t rob her of her free will. And if she fails to fix it it could ruin her whole life. It is that she does not know her own self.”
Know thyself
The feminine is the keeper of all secrets and mystical wisdom, but with this comes a great responsibility – a woman needs to know herself. In old mystical schools, the first thing that priestesses would spend many years doing and learning, before they would be initiated into intuitive development and into the secrets of high manifestation, was to learn to know thyself and know the earth. This self knowledge included knowing our bodies – the unique language of our body and how to listen to it – and also knowing the other lands – the emotional, mental and spiritual inner wildlands. Without self-knowledge, a woman cannot come into her true power, which is subtle and quiet, and it is in her ability to say no, which means – she needs to know discernment.
Unfortunately in our modern world today many women don’t know themselves truly, and we just don’t have the tools to do so, nor the time or right teachers to guide us. A lot of spiritual teachers or new age teachers, including women teachers, continue to teach the masculine teachings and masculine way of energy, and of course there are a lot of false prophets also.
We grow up in a society that constantly pushes us and teaches us the masculine ways of living and “manifesting” such as do, do, do, go, go, go, make happen, make happen, take action! But this is the masculine pathway, not the feminine one, which is one of the reason why so many women get stuck and feel disconnected from their true inner essence – because they no longer align to their natural flow of energy in such a forward-driven society. Most women have sacral authority and yet they don’t know how to connect to their true self, to the wisdom of their bodies and to their real intuition.
Meanwhile, there’s a society of people who have become incredibly angry, aggressive and emotionally imbalanced; and all this is stemming from inner pain and inner separation when people are forced to be something against their true nature. The truth is that societies have never really supported true authenticity. We are often forced to become something we are not. And as women we are forced to deny our true femininity and overcompensate by becoming rigid, aggressive and materialistically driven – just so that we lose our true power, which lies in our beautiful female energy and purity of hearts – our nurturing, intuition, creativity and manifestation ability. We are forced to do it all by ourselves especially when men are not taking responsibility for their emotional energetic fields. Stay at home moms are shamed, women are increasingly materialistic and switching partners not knowing how to harness our sexual energy, and are constantly focused on status, career and external validation.
Feminine energy is magnetic
A woman is magnetic, men are electric.
A woman is meant to live in abundance, and reside in the abundance that man creates for her. Out of this, she can say yes and no, and attract even more abundance to him also. A woman magnetizes and pulls into her life what she desires, but what will be pulled in will need to resonate with her energy. So if she is happy emotionally and provided for, more beauty and success comes – which is why in many cultures the men of the house or tribe would always make sure the women were happy and provided for whenever they needed more harvest and money to bless their homes and communities.
And so – the woman resides in beauty and in abundance, and magnetizes even more beauty and abundance, until she becomes maya itself. She becomes the mystery that draws in even more from the unmanifested realms into her life and those she loves, because everything is attracted to maya, all energy and possibilities are seduced by maya and want to know her and get closer.
She is like the belly dancer.
A woman becomes the thing she desires, so that the things finds her and comes to her without her “going out and getting it”. The belly dancer woman attracts the attention and magnetizes, she doesn’t do the lap dance; the man comes to her and desires to know her and give of himself to her.
In our modern day context for dating, when you are getting to know a man – let him plan things and don’t “make things happen” or organize things yourself. In fact, plan nothing. Let him plan the dates, plan the trips, let him show you who he really is. Women are so self sufficient sometimes and independent, and we are like the magic carpet itself being able to do all things at once and be at all places; and while that’s amazing, let him show you who he truly is and what he is capable of doing and giving. What is he willing to do for you? How much effort is he making? How much is he investing into your connection?
If he can’t provide stability for you and invest emotionally, things won’t work out and he is not worthy of you. How would he be there for you in the future if even in the beautiful passionate beginning he isn’t?
A woman needs a man she can trust with her life. Otherwise she will not open to him, and he will feel this, and there will always remain a separation between them energetically which will affect the relationship. True love happens when boundaries dissolve between the two lovers. And for a man, his boundaries dissolve when he is giving something of himself which matters, and when he is investing emotionally into a woman. Otherwise he doesn’t feel bonded to her, and the woman feels unstable and anxious etc.
Feminine energy is magnetic and receptive and so, it draws in to itself. Masculine is the go-getter. This is also usually the problem of communication between the two energies: when she speaks, the feminine says what she doesn’t want, which to the man may seem negative because when speaking, he focuses on what he wants. But this is how it’s supposed to be. The only thing wrong is that we are the ones who need to understand how energies work and respect the natural flow of life.
A woman needs to know how to say no, and this begins in childhood where a girl’s no should be respected. For example, let’s say a little girl is drinking juice, and the mother asks, “may I have a sip of your drink?” The little girl says “no”. The mother should then say okay. She shouldn’t pressure her, she doesn’t say “good girls share”, she respects her no and defends her no when other people cross it. Because the most important person in this girl’s life is her mother, and respecting the no paves her path forward not to become a people pleaser or negate her own desires. A woman needs to know how to say no, and how to set boundaries, because she will also teach this to her children.
And for many generations women were suppressed and oppressed and couldn’t say no because they were abused if they did. So it’s not your moms’ or grandmothers’ faults – they did the best they could within the circumstances. But now, you knowing better, you should make the change and also heal and soothe your maternal lines. The brutalization of women goes way back, so make no mistake, it wasn’t their fault; and understand that a woman’s “no” can be so threatening and triggering to a man, because of the immense power they feel from a woman’s energy, that they will kill her for it, and they did, for many years. And so women had to just learn to sit quiet or disguise, not because of weakness, but because of protection. One of our greatest spiritual lessons is understanding that we all do the best we can in any moment of our life. Compassion, grace and forgiveness are the gentle waters of love that guide us towards one another. Anyway, I digress.
Today, many masculine gurus are coming in and saying “focus on what you want and go get it.” But for the feminine energy, this is perversion of its purity because it is about drawing in and receiving all that she already possesses within herself. A woman is created to live in abundance, reside in abundance, and just her mere presence is transformative to all around her. But many women have a hard time attracting and receiving, because we’ve become out of balance. Many women also have a hard time saying no because of this feminine imbalance.
I see many women attacking one another, having deep insecurities and having many partners, in addition to having low self-esteem and self-respect as they keep choosing the wrong partners, being materialistically driven, and having many sexual partners. And with social media, now there are many women who are even ashamed of their bodies and keep using fillers, filters, lotions, potions, and all else robotic and virtual to change their image and bodies, whether to get external validation or fit someone else’s narrative. Even the brand of “women’s empowerment” has become something that actually isn’t true empowerment, as it has become infiltrated and corrupted as a way of further separation, both inner and outer, and unfortunately, it has deepened women’s exploitation.
A woman’s greatest power, and magnetic manifestation
One beautiful way of imagining feminine manifestation is by imagining the sperm and the egg. The sperm swims towards the egg, but the egg doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t go chasing, it just stays there. And it goes through cycles – cycles of plenty, and cycles of nothingness and quietness. But still, it stays there. It doesn’t freak out, it doesn’t suddenly stand up and start chasing – it doesn’t change itself. And when the sperm start swimming towards it, the egg only opens for one. It softens its boundaries only for one. To the rest it says no, no, no, until the one she chooses shows us and she says yes – and she allows it, she permits it, she opens for it.
The strength of a woman is in her ability to say no, which can irritate some men to such extend that they can even kill her because of it. A woman’s true power is in her ability to do nothing, to say no, and to discern with the wisdom of her heart. Power is something people feel – and when a woman is aligned to herself, knows herself, and flows in her true essence, she embodies this power within her. Depending on who other people are and where they are in their own energy level, they can either get triggered and attack, or they can open and allow themselves to be softened, empowered, healed and transformed by her power of pure energy. It is the same with love – true love, pure love, is a power that has the ability to heal people.
We see the way of feminine energy in tarot as well: the first feminine card is the High Priestess and then, we move to the Empress. The High Priestess is the knowing, the trust, the womb, the moon within which all is conceived to then to be born – it is where the decision begins to bring spirit into matter. She has her legs closed, and is silent in her higher knowledge; she is in continuous connection and direct relationship to source and to God. And so she stays in stillness and in power, until the day she chooses to take into herself the seed of the Magician, and conceive – which is why the High Priestess is the conception itself. Then, in the Empress, she births and her legs are open. Whatever we have permitted and allowed in our energy will now come into being.
Women are naturally tapped into the manifesting frequency because of the way our energy flows, which why we have the ability to birth. When we carry a child in our womb, we don’t actively do something throughout the pregnancy – it just grows within us; and then the baby comes out naturally in its time, i.e. we manifest the baby. We can manifest many other things as well, and we actually constantly do even if we are not necessarily aware or conscious of it.
Many spiritual cultures know these secrets, which is why they know that if there is a woman in the home, if she is happy, the entire family and household will be abundant. Hindus believe that if there is a happy woman in the home, she can manifest luck and abundance for the entire family and household just through her being still and flowing in her natural energy.
They believe that her energy can manifest the frequency and consciousness of the Hindu Goddess of abundance Lakshmi; and if her husband aligns to her and does as she intuits, then he can bring in and manifest through his actions all they desire. This also means: trust a woman’s intuition and trust man’s thoughts, as these are the strengths of their unique energies through which life force flows.
In many Indigenous tribes too, every day the men would spend some time taking care of the chores and children, so that the women can have their free and peaceful time when they can just do whatever they want or do nothing at all – and just sit in prayer or meditation, and devote to their spiritual practice. They knew that if a woman is well, the entire tribe will be well, as her energy is a manifesting one. You can also do your own research and look up the places of our world where there is most abundance. You’ll see that where the women are happier and taken care of by society, these places face less suffering; and where women were mistreated and abused, the entire region suffers with ailments and even poverty.
Women are naturally aligned to the manifesting frequency. What this means for society overall is that what women allow, persists, and what they don’t, cannot.
The feminine is the keeper of all secrets and mystical wisdom, and she is directly tapped into source or God. This is a real power but as all power, this comes with responsibility – a woman needs to know herself. In mystical schools, the first and most important thing all priestesses had to learn, and spend many years learning, was know thyself and know the earth. Only then they’d be able to be initiated into higher knowledge and be able to manifest things we can only dream of – because they knew how to discern, how to master their energy, how to navigate their inner emotional and spiritual wildlands, and how to purify their energy of which they can pull in anything, including a soul to be born without physical conception.
It is said that the higher purpose of a woman is to connect man to God and lead him to his destiny and true self; and the higher purpose of man is to protect woman and give her the stability she needs to flow freely in her energy. A woman can discern the beautiful qualities of a man, and then inspire him to embody these – is he a teacher, a guide, a protector, a builder, a warrior. She can raise her boys to be honorable, courageous, truthful and fair, and emotionally intelligent. She can inspire and guide all men in her life – her lovers, her husband, her sons, her brothers – and this is beautiful and purposeful.
But when a woman doesn’t know herself, she can no longer be connected to herself nor see the wisdom through which she can help and guide the men and children beside her, nor can she guide her own self also. She can no longer say no, set boundaries, discern, and eventually she begins to allow things she doesn’t want without even being conscious of it. Unfortunately in our modern world, many women don’t know themselves truly nor do they have the tools and support to do so. As women are the foundations of our world and societies, and how the energy of earth flows – all the things we think we want but don’t, and all the things we allow even if we don’t consciously want them, persist.
We need to know the power we hold, we need to protect it, and we need to re-awaken our inner wisdom. Know yourself, and find the right people who will support you in your self-discovery and self-knowing – and who will provide you the needed space in which you will naturally be in your true inner essence.
Become the egg. Settle into your spiritual core, into higher faith and higher values, into trust and into knowing, knowing that there are cycles of plenty and cycles of quietness and of nothing, but still remain changeless. Know that the right one for you will approach you in its right timing, so in the meantime focus on your inner world. Changing our external world will only lead to a different reflection of what is going on in our inner world, so always start from within. Whether it is a relationship you desire or a dream, keep aligned to what you truly want and need, and don’t settle for anything else; and when approached by various expressions of it, discern and choose the right one for you – open only for it, allow it, permit it, and conceive – bringing spirit into matter.
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Cover art: “Un Voile” by Louis Welden Hawkins (1849-1910), via Wikimedia Commons.