The North Node entered Pisces, and will transit here for the next year and a half. Moving from cardinal fire to mutable water, i.e. North Node shifting from Aries to Pisces, may often cause a burst of water waves in one direction. On the day our cosmic artist and sculptor, the North Node, entered the celestial house of Pisces, a full Moon in Cancer shined its door, along with a lot of more water – Venus in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces and Juno, the asteroid of marriage and wealth, in Scorpio. Needless to say, that’s a lot of water.
And what is water? It is love, emotions, warmth, relationships, intuition, spirituality, intimacy, creativity, feelings, poetry, dreams and romance; it is all that nurtures us and nourishes us as human beings, because our heart centered things are so deeply important and needed for us; it is sacred to us, and resides in our deepest most private of self, in the cave of our heart, the home of our heart, the root of us. All heart-led, trust-led, faith-led things move through the realms of water. It is a subtle realm, non-linear and non-logical – it is about feeling, and it is what may often not be seen necessarily with our human eyes, but only with our heart eyes and more subtle senses.
With Venus in Pisces also at this time of its entering, we are asked to reflect on reciprocity; because Venus is about reciprocity. And when in water, it is about watering, or rather, the right watering. Do we only seek to get water from another, or do we also give of ourselves? What quality of water do we give? Are we a stagnant lake, are we ice, how do we move? How do we love?
If we only take water from others, the land will be dry eventually, and we too will be impacted by the dryness. At the same time, do we overwater? That too isn’t healthy. If you have plants, you know this to be true. Overwatering leads to lack of oxygen and damages the root system, and symptoms often are dryness, brownish leaves or withering leaves.
Natives with water Venus in their chart may often desire water in love, or be attracted to other water signs, but as Venus is about reciprocity, a water Venus will always ask you: are you bringing water to the relationship? How do you love? Do you only collect water for yourself, or do you pour water into the soils in your relationships, or do you take it for yourself until the land becomes desert? When and how would the temperatures and speed of the water flows change; do you know how to move water into the needed consistencies and densities?
There is you, there is I, and of our love a new land is born, a new soil, a new soul: the relationship. Whatever we put into it, together and individually, is what will become it. Hopefully, it will be a healthy land and soil, with flowers blooming freely, beautiful aromas; healthy soil, and healthy dharma that may holds us and unite us and walk us on our joined path forward.
Two people meet. Each from completely different points or places or countries of our world. Fate or free will? If they look back, each may find that each decision they made led them exactly to this meeting point for their paths to join and cross. Perhaps even they will find that every single little thing in the life of one impelled them from quite a different part of the world to this meeting, at this particular place, with the other. The same will be true of the other person.
Perhaps even, we may find that each was looking or seeking the other, long before they ever knew of their existence; perhaps even their childhood diaries twin in experiences, emotions and dreams. Perhaps even, their love story isn’t just one life story, as it began before this earthly existence … maybe or maybe not.
When does love begin? When does water begin? Is it as ice, raindrops, snow, vapour, or when the bathroom pipe bursts, or when we lift a stone in our backyard and a spring of fresh water suddenly springs? Pure water. Truth. Unexpected, yet always there.
We may not know where and when some things begins, but lovers know when it’s already begun. And water is water. Whether as snow, ice, lakes, seas, rivers or vapour or rainlife – water is still water.
So how do we love?
Love has various shapes and forms, different speeds and movements. It unfolds through compassion, tenderness, patience, kindness, generosity, vulnerability and humility, laughter and creativity, giving and receiving, open palms and open minds and open hearts, trust, faith and hope, intentional listening and non-judgment; sometimes love is more quiet, sometimes it is more binding, sometimes it is more distant, and sometimes it is a full belly laugh.
And love is like bread – it needs hands; it needs to be made and remade, each morning, each day, made anew, shaped by our words, hands and gestures along the circling staircases of our lives.
The higher relationship purpose of the axis Pisces-Virgo is what is known as sharing sacred work. This is what binds these in love and relationship; it is about doing something of purpose, contributing to something beyond their individual needs, egos and selfish desires that binds them together in intimacy and harmony. With the earth and water this speaks of the soil and its fertility; how do we care for that which will help other people, how do we feed other people through what we may make and create for them.
With this axis, there is something else that moves the energies, and it is the sacred work i.e. being in service, and through your mutual dedication, intention and devotion to contribute to others and do something selfless, you not only deepen in your joined intimacy, but you also deepen into an intimacy with the world around you and how your actions contribute to all around you. There is a desire here, an inspiration, towards something bigger than us and fostering unity with the care that gardening needs.
Pisces’ traditional ruler is Jupiter and is also co-ruled by Neptune, but these are the exoteric rulers. The esoteric ruler of Pisces is Pluto. That should come as no surprise because in the sea of Pisces swim a lot of illusions, delusions, fantasies, deceptions, addictions, indulgences and projections, which makes it hard to see clearly.
This is the shroud of Pisces, and to penetrate it one needs to look within and dig into the Plutonian undergrounds; this is where all of our hidden things, unacknowledged things and undealt-with things reside. But just because they are hidden underground doesn’t mean they don’t exist, for it is precisely these that rule our motivations, intentions and drive us and pull us forward.
Love is not something that makes us its slave. Whatever you put between you and the divine or your higher self, such as another person, lover, government or religion or guru, the veil will eventually be removed, so that the truth reveals itself; and you will be disappointed and disillusioned, because we are meant to grow into our own selves and reclaim our inner power, understand that no one can save us from ourselves nor give us something we haven’t given ourselves, and we need to take responsibility and accountability for our actions and reactions.
So Pluto is needed as the esoteric ruler of Pisces, because one needs to be able to see clearly. The more real we are, the more real things we may choose to have in our life, connect to and let into our life.
The diving of Pluto into the oceans of Pisces is a deep dive inward. Diving into the depths of the feelings and emotions, fearlessly, is what sets us free; and this transit is about being courageous enough to access, process and feel into these deeper waters. It may feel unknown there, perhaps scary initially, and it is quiet; the deeper you dive the quieter it becomes and there will be pressure or instinct to swim up, but just let it come, let it enter you, and you enter yourself. Do not fear yourself.
This transit will ask the collective to self reflect and get really self honest, because some people may become quite sick of themselves and their recycling and re-circling of old patterns.
True destined spiritual love or delusion?
True love can only happen after the disillusionment; because it is based on truth and real seeing. Love is a seeing not of flesh but through the flesh. It demands truth, self truth and seeing the truth in the other; not what you want, not what you project, but who they truly are. Very few people know how to give and how to love, because as human beings we often give to another what we want in turn or what we think they need, rather than what the other actually needs. There is a lot of selfishness, greed, dishonesty and self lack in modern relationships.
True love is about seeing the truth within ourselves and the truth in the other. True love is not Plutonian, it is peaceful, calm, wise, patient, non-judgmental, non-controlled, and it is selfless. Because you know the right watering; because you know the land in which you reside depends on interconnection, and if you take too much there will be dryness which will impact you also, or if you control too much and overwater you will suffocate the air the flowers need to release their natural and sweetest aroma.
And so,
After the two people meet, from perhaps different parts of the world, whatever led them to one another and their joined meeting place is one thing; but whatever happens after the meeting is another thing.
The iron hand of necessity brought them together, but now free will comes and it is their actions and choices that now matter, and will shape their lands and their joined path forward.
There is a significant difference between what takes place before the actual meeting of two people and what takes place from that moment onwards. Before they met in this earthly life, they had influenced each other without having much conscious knowledge of the other. But after the meeting now they know each other and the mutual influence continues; though now it depends on their self awareness and choices. And this again is the beginning of something extremely significant – because now they are shaping a new land; which is why the 8th house of what happens after intimacy is also a house showing what new karma or dharma you will be creating together, and the fruits of it.
What occurs between two people before they become acquainted again in this life can only be regarded as the outcome of iron necessity, or in other words, karmic impulses; and what happens afterwards is the expression of freedom – of a mutually free relationship and behaviour, choices between and within each individual.
When we are using our karmic tools or karmic impulses continuously, we don’t get true love and we don’t receive true love; we just keep ourselves stuck in perpetual patterns and circling the same wheels. So we can choose to unhold our hands from those wheels, and choose to be more conscious, intentional and mindful – but this starts from inner truth and knowing ourselves, knowing who we are and who we are not and who we choose not to be and whom we choose to be.
Recycling, reacting and re-enacting are not healthy relationships, and it is quite normal for people to choose karmic relationships and dynamics that aren’t serving them, that aren’t peaceful nor healthy, because they are keeping stuck in old definitions of what love is or what it looks like.
Spiritual relationships, which would be the higher manifestation of the water energy relationships, consist of two people who feel healed and continuously choose truth and honesty; and self honesty isn’t fearful, it is freeing. When we come into the relationship with the otherness through the lens of a true love rather than lack or what we try to get from the other, this is when we may come into the depths of love and be able to fully experience ourselves through it.
When we are real, we connect to something more real. And truly it is a blessing to be truly loved; to have someone who sees us as who we truly are, and holds us as we truly need, and supports us in the way we need; to have someone to knows that love and relationships are an ocean, and there are waves, and there are temperatures, and there are rhythms and movements and changes yet we still each hold one another.
Sometimes a wave may take one and we’d be their holding hand giving them stability, and then vice versa; when one moves on one end, the other will be there, and so it goes, the seas and oceans always flow. But it is a blessing indeed, to have someone who knows how to hold us and kiss us and care for us, not in the way we always did, but in the way we need to be held and kissed right now. Because water knows, the time is now.
Like I wrote in What True Love Really Is, love says I will you to be, as you are and you need to. I want every day for you, I want every moment for you. I love your mere presence in my world, in my life, as you are, as it be. Let me nurture you and tell me how and what you need. I am here, love, always, in the simple perfection of just knowing you. I am here, love, always, in the vow made between flesh and soul, in the church of my heart.
For personal readings with me, you are welcome to browse through my Offerings.

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.
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Cover art is the beautiful work of Liz Huston, whose dreamy sensitive art I absolutely love and this is a print of her art that I have called The Arrival of Love, symbolizing the Knight of Cups. Her official website is All rights reserved by the artist.