In simple terms, transcendence is the ability to perceive the additional layers of the meaning of it all; to see beyond the veils, to touch that which holds us all even without hands. It is an expansion of perception and a way of fully seeing the world; it’s a seeing beyond the surface level towards the deeper connections that are at play. It’s a seeing of the whole and not just the individual parts.

The benefit of touching transcendence is that you now have the opportunity to see the deeper reality and the interconnection of all things. And this holds you. It holds you because you now realize that you’re not just merely a part, but you are a part of that whole deeper reality. This allows for a deeper and more meaningful interaction with life, in a much more intentional and present way, as we become more fully aware of the greater arch of our life and its connection with the larger whole.

When we see, even if only a glimpse of the deeper reality, we get to touch that which is beyond us, and all of life becomes deeper, richer, more meaningful. God is an inner experience, just like love is an inner experience also.

The world of transcendence is the world spiritually guided people live in. And if you call to mind the people in your life who have truly embodied what it means to be human, and humane, you’d probably find out that they spend most of their time in the world of transcendence.

These are the people who walk a kindness and patience of rhythm, with deep respect, appreciation, humility and reverence for life and other people. These are the people who pay great attention to the simple beauty of life, while doing all their work with dedication and clear focus; and they are people of certain quietness not interested in the noise of social media; with a quietness of wisdom in their subtle gestures and words.

These are the people who have the curiously shy aura of the real artists – the artists of life, of love, the mystics who enter all with a beginner’s mind. These are the people who have warm hearts, loving hearts, open palms with which they give and hold; and we raise each other, and we lift each other up because we know – it is only ever love.

For personal readings with me, you may visit my Offerings.

Cover photograph by me. 

For more of my writings, browse through my Art of Love.

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